Monday, September 30, 2019

11 Compare And Contrast Different Organisational Essay

Organizational structures Organizational structure is a system used to define a hierarchy within an organization. It identifies each job, its function and where it reports to within the organization. (Lucy Friend, 2009) There are several organizational structures; however, the type of structure in an organization depends on aim, size of the business, and industry. Carefully chosen structures will improve the communication throughout the organization. Types of Organizational Structures Functional Structure Employees within the functional divisions of an organization tend to perform a specialized set of tasks, for instance the engineering department would be staffed only with software engineers. (Sutton, 2012) Matrix Structures Matrix Structure is an organizational structure in which workers have to report to more than one party, as having two or three supervisors at the same time. For example, the workers working at factories have to report to different managers including production managers and marketing managers and sometimes to project managers if a separate project is going on. Divisional Structure The divisional structure groups each organizational function into divisions. Each division within a divisional structure contains all the necessary resources and functions within it. Organizational culture Organizational culture is an idea in the field of Organizational studies and management, which describes the psychology, attitudes, experiences, beliefs, and values of an organization. It can be defined as the specific collection  of values and norms that are shared by people and groups in an organization and that control the way they interact with each other and with stakeholders outside the organization. This definition continues to explain organizational values also known as â€Å"beliefs and ideas about what kinds of goals members of an organization should pursue and ideas about the appropriate kinds or standards of behaviour organizational members should use to achieve these goals. (Cheng, 1995). Types of organizational culture: Power Culture In the organizations, where power culture is used the authorization to make decisions are only given to few employees. Those employees are the ones who enjoy the benefits at the workplace also have to delegate their power to the other employees. In such organizations, employees have no other option but to follow the managers or supervisors instructions. Furthermore, employees cannot give their view and ideas and this leads to de-motivated labours and finally labours turn over in the organization increases. (Mullins, 2005) Role Culture This is a culture where every staff is assign with roles and responsibilities according to the specialized area, qualification, and interest of the employee in order to get the best out of the employee. This helps the organization to improve their productivity, as employees are good at their job. Today role culture is very common in organizations and it is very suitable for large organizations. (Mullins, 2005) Task Culture In Task Culture Organization forms a group in order to achieve the targets or to solve a specific problem. The organization that practices this culture put together four to five employees in a group who are specialized in similar areas also sharing similar interests. The common goal of each member is to contribute as many ideas as possible to complete the task in an effective way. For example, a company can use team culture in a period where the company is losing market share to identify the reasons behind and to improve whatever is wrong. 1.2 Explain how the relationship between organisation’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business The organizational structure and the organizational culture have the relationship to each other and they are the backbone of the organization. The both organization can affect progress of the organization. It can bring the stability and social system in the organization. . In organization having culture and structure strange there will be working environment also provides appropriate standards of working environment. The organization has different policies rules and regulations that how to communicate with the employee. The organization also shows about the responsibilities that who will report to whom mean who will be responsible to whom majority in this kind of organization tasks a good decision foe the company. Culture and structure has also some drawbacks on the business progress. If the organization culture is too much complex then in the organization decision will be very slow and also there will be centralized decision making in which the lower level employee’s will not be entertained. Organizational framework and way of lifestyle can impact progress of organization in the precious and in the adverse way. In the precious way it distinguish the organization to the one, which don’t have a way of lifestyle and framework. It explains the restriction of the firm (Bond et al. 1996). It provides a feeling of certificate among the employees to know each other for the success and success of goals. It can carry balance and team system in the organization. In any organization having way of lifestyle and framework unusual there will be workplace also provides appropriate requirements of workplace. 1.3 Discuss the factors which Influence individual behaviour at work Individual behaviour explain why a person behaves and reacts in response to  different situation therefore in order to get a better understanding about the behaviour, organizations have to be well aware of the main factors which affects individual behaviour at work. (Balmer, Baum, 1993) There are many terms and factors, which influence the behaviour. They are demographic factors, Perception, Abilities and skills, Attitude, and Personality. Demographic factors Demographic factors are a population of the quantifiable statistics. Demographics are also used to identify the study of quantifiable subsets within a given population, which characterize that population at a specific point in time. It is mostly used in public opinion polling and the marketing. It includes the gender, age, and ethnicity, knowledge of the languages, disabilities, mobility, home ownership employment status, and even the location. Perception The perception is the cognitive process that is meant for the interpreting the environmental stimuli in a different ways. A lot of the factors influence the perception of the individual behaviours. The manager plays the important roles in the study of the perception. It is very essential for the managers to make the favourable environment so that employees perceive them in the favourable ways. Abilities and skills Ability and the skills were highly influenced by the individual’s behaviours and the performance. The ability is the capacity of an individual to do something and the skills is defined as the ability to act in a way that allows a person to perform well. The individual can perform well in the organization if his abilities and the skills are bringing together in his job description. Attitude The attitudes can be defined as a tendency to respond the favourably or unfavourably to the certain objects, persons or situations. The formation of attitude is influenced by factors such as family, culture, society, peers  and organizational factors. The organization need to study the variables information that is related to their jobs so they can create the work environment in a favourable way so the employees give their best efforts to perform best in the organization. Attitudes are either positive or negative. The employees can perform best in the organization if they form a positive attitude. (Mullins, 2001) Personality The personality is the study of the characteristics and distinctive traits of an individuals and the inter-reaction between them and the way in which a person responds and adjusts to other people situations. The heredity, family, society, culture and the situation are influenced by the personality.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Positive environment indoors and outdoors Essay

It’s comfortable, interesting, attractive and appropriate for the child or children who use it. For some children it becomes like a second home where they eat and sometimes sleep. A suitable environment for a young baby will be very different from a suitable environment for a four or five year old although some features will be the same. Environments should be attractive and make children feel safe and secure and happy to be there and they should also be places where children can confidently play and learn. Research framework that supports a positive environment for children At the heart of this framework is an approach which recognises the right of all young children to high quality relationships, environments and services which offer a holistic approach to meeting their needs. Such needs should be interpreted broadly and encompass play, learning, social relationships and emotional and physical wellbeing. This approach is important for all children but is of particular benefit in offering effective support to those children and families requiring higher levels of support. Early intervention has relevance to a wide range of social policy but it is particularly relevant in early years, which will often be the earliest and best opportunity to intervene. We have identified 4 principles of early intervention. In short, these are: †¢ we want all to have the same outcomes and the same opportunities; †¢ we identify those at risk of not achieving those outcomes and take steps to prevent that risk materialising; †¢ where the risk has materialised, we take effective action; †¢ we work to help parents, families and communities to develop their own solutions, using accessible, high quality public services as required Outcome 3 how to look after children’s skin, hair and teeth How does a positive environment and routine support children and their families emotional needs? It teaches children how to behave with people in general, so it would help children know how to communicate with their parents and families positively and how to speak to visitors politely. It could also help children to talk to staff about worries they have if the staff are positive and approachable. Having a positive environment also allows parents to talk to the staff and feel included and equal. why is it important for children to have physical and mental time? Basics for a child’s good physical health: Nutritious food Adequate shelter and sleep Exercise Immunizations Healthy living environment Basics for a child’s good mental health: Unconditional love from family Self-confidence and high self-esteem The opportunity to play with other children Encouraging teachers and supportive caretakers Safe and secure surroundings Appropriate guidance and discipline Give children unconditional love. Love, security and acceptance should be at the heart of family life. Children need to know that your love does not depend on his or her accomplishments. Mistakes and/or defeats should be expected and accepted. Confidence grows in a home that is full of unconditional love and affection. Nurture children’s confidence and self-esteem. Praise Them – Encouraging children’s first steps or their ability to learn a new game helps them develop a desire to explore and learn about their surroundings. Allow children to explore and play in a safe area where they cannot get hurt. Assure them by smiling and talking to them often. Be an active participant in their activities. Your attention helps build their self-confidence and self-esteem. Set Realistic Goals – Young children need realistic goals that match their ambitions with their abilities. With your help, older children can choose activities that test their abilities and  increase their self-confidence. Be Honest – Do not hide your failures from your children. It is important for them to know that we all make mistakes. It can be very re-assuring to know that adults are not perfect. Avoid Sarcastic Remarks – If a child loses a game or fails a test, find out how he or she feels about the situation. Children may get discouraged and need a pep talk. Later, when they are ready, talk and offer assurance. Encourage children – To not only strive to do their best, but also to enjoy the process. Trying new activities teaches children about teamwork, self-esteem and new skills. Encourage Children to Play To children, play is just fun. However, playtime is as important to their development as food and good care. Playtime helps children be creative, learn problem-solving skills and learn self-control. Good, hardy play, which includes running and yelling, is not only fun, but helps children to be physically and mentally healthy. Children Need Playmates Sometimes it is important for children to have time with their peers. By playing with others, children discover their strengths and weaknesses, develop a sense of belonging, and learn how to get along with others. Consider finding a good children’s program through neighbors, local community centers, schools, or your local park and recreation department. Parents Can be Great Playmates Join the fun! Playing Monopoly or coloring with a child gives you a great opportunity to share ideas and spend time together in a relaxed setting. Play for Fun  Winning is not as important as being involved and enjoying the activity. One of the most important questions to ask children is â€Å"Did you have fun?’’ not â€Å"Did you win?† In our goal-oriented society, we often acknowledge only success and winning. This attitude can be discouraging and frustrating to children who are learning and experimenting with new activities. It’s more important for children to participate and enjoy themselves Why is it important for children to have quiet and rest time? He body need  time each day to recover from all the activity it has been doing, this is achieved through sleep and rest. There are 3 levels of quiet period. -sleep times are especially required for babies and toddlers, try to make sure that daytime naps are planned for the early afternoon so that the child will still sleep at night. -rest periods are needed for toddlers and pre-school -queit activitites are essential for all age groups as a break between other activities and a chance to recuperate these include things such as story time, doing a quiet activity ort listening to music all of which should use material that is soothing and not stimulating. Older children may enjoy watching tv for a short period of time Explain the basic nutrional requirements of children and young people Plenty of fruit and vegetables – children’s growing bodies require good nutrition and fruit and veg contain a multiple of vitamins, minerals and other healthy compounds. Citrus fruits and strawberries are rich in immunce system boosting vitamin C, carrots are loaded with eye health vitamin A and spinach is a good source if iron. Eating well also decreases the chance of childhood obesitiy and encourages health life style. Plenty of potatoes, bread, rice ,pasta and other starchy foods-starchy foods are a good source of energy and the mains source of a range of nutrients in a child diet, as well as starch they contain fibre, calcium, iron and B vitamins. The protein helps a childs body to grow and repair itself, the fibre helps get rid of waste products, and B vitamins help release energy and help to body to work properly. Some milk and dairy foods-milk and dairy products provide calcium, phosphorous, magenesium and protein which are all essential for health bone growth and development which can prevent and protect children from diseases such as brittle bone disorder later in life. The amounts of calcium in dair products are also beneficial for the development and maitainance of health teeth. Some meat, fish, eggs ,beans and other non-dairy sources of protein- these foods are rich in protein which is needed for lots of functions throughout the body, it is also a good source of vitamin B12 and iron which will help prevent iron deficincy anaemia, which is a common condition found in children and can result in children having little energy and looking pale. Explain the governments guidance on a balanced nutritional diet? The UK’s national food guide, the eatwell plate, defines the government’s advice on a healthy balance diet. The eatwell plate is a visual representation of how different foods contribute towards a healthy balanced diet. The plate model has been tested extensively with consumers and health professionals. The size of the segments for each of the food groups is consistent with government recommendations for a diet that would provide all the nutrients required for a healthy adult or child (over the age of 5). The eatwell plate, based on the 5 food groups, makes healthy eating easier to understand by giving a visual representation of the types and proportions of foods needed for a healthy balanced diet. Choosing a variety of foods from within the 4 main food groups will add to the range of nutrients consumed. This includes: plenty of fruit and vegetables  plenty of bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods some milk and dairy foods  some meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non dairy sources of protein Foods and drinks high in fat and/or sugar are not essential to a healthy diet, and should be consumed only in small amounts. Full weeks menu for placement. Where would you store the information on the child/young person who has their dietary needs? This information is made clear to all memebers of staff as we all help with dinner time, it is also kept in the childs file and is kept in the kitchen and on the side of the fridge. Who would know this information? Everyone at nursery is made aware as well all take part in food times Explain the basic food safety when providing food and drink to children/young people? Cover food= food is kept covered at all times to stop any dust, or flies that may get onto the food. Food is also cover to stop if from going bad/stale before it is given out to the children Label children’s own items- if a child brings in their own food/drink it is recorded in the base room of that child’s diary it is made aware to all  members of staff that the food has been brought in for that specific child. It is labeled with the child’s full name and base room and is stored correctly In date= all food is checked daily for food that is going out of date or is out of date, we give food out from the dates which are closer to becoming out of date first. If food has become out of date it is thrown away. Provide plates=plates are touched with staff who wear gloves and are washed in the dishwasher whenever they are used, the plates are dried then put away is a cupboard Wear gloves/aprons when dealing with food= all memebers of staff who are in the conservatory have to wear gloves when giving out food or drink or helping children with their dinner. Aprons are worn by the cook when preparing all meals Let child/young people choose their own food= at placement we give the child an option of a different side either beans,spaghetti, rice or so on the child is shown two bowls and points to the bowl they want the child does not tough the food in the bowl and when had been given a bowl canot swap for something else. How should a baby’s bottle be warmed=babys bottles are warmed by either poorinh water into the kettle boiling it then added the the baby’s milk and left to cool or if able to the babys bottle is heated in the microwave and left to cool.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Baroque vs. Classical Music Essay

When many people listen to music from earlier periods, they classify it all as classical music, when although there were many periods of music. Although the two may sound similar to the untrained ear, the Baroque style and the Classical styles of music have many differences. The Baroque Period (1600-1750) was a revolutionary period for music. Preceded by the renaissance, the Baroque Period offered new and different things to music. Common tools were used such as counterpoint and fugue that transformed music.There was a growth in the uses of new Instruments such as the trumpet, French horn, and piano. Composers, such as Johan Sebastian Bach, concentrated on what the music notes lead to and what sounded good to listen to. Bach, who composed over 1200 pieces, was the gold standard for Baroque music, helping to regulate harmony In music. Baroque music was all about emotion. Composers used these tools to weave and blend different sounds together to create unison. Counterpoint NAS a popular tool used, where two separate lines were played together to make harmony. A lot went on in Baroque music. The Classical Period (1750-1825), on the other hand was a lot simpler. Instead of having many instruments playing lines at once in harmony, many instruments would play softly in the background while a solo instrument would play. Classical music consisted of a single melody. Baroque music was very complex, and demonstrated polyphony, where many different sounds went on at the same time, whereas Classical music demonstrated homophony, where the same sounds were played. Form was also a big factor in Classical music.Baroque composers were more concerned about Viking emotion than the form of their piece; Classical composers were the opposite Classical composers demonstrated clear cut form, whereas Baroque composers blended everything together. Classical music was also very repetitive. Composers Would not change much, it was the same melody played over and over. I prefer Baroque music over Classical music. I chose Baroque music because it is a lot more interesting. Classical music is too simple compared to Baroque music. With Baroque music, more emotion is evoked. A great example of this is Vivaldi The FourSeasons where you could actually tell which season Is portrayed by which piece by listening carefully. To me, Classical music Is too boring and repetitive. Baroque music always keeps me on my toes, keeping me guessing at what Is coming next. I care more about what a piece means than the form It Is written In. Although I prefer Baroque music, I do not discredit Classical music at all. A lot of brilliant pieces came from both periods of music. Ay ignominious There was a growth in the uses of new instruments such as the trumpet, French harmony in music. Baroque music was all about emotion. Composers used these Nas a popular tool used, where two separate lines were played together to make The Classical Period (175()-1825), on the other hand was a lot simpler. Instead of Mould not change much, it was the same melody played over and over. Seasons where you could actually tell which season is portrayed by which piece by listening carefully. To me, Classical music is too boring and repetitive. Baroque music always keeps me on my toes, keeping me guessing at what is coming next. I care more about what a piece means than the form it is written in.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Diet for a Patient with Chronic Hunger, Iron Deficiency Anemia, and Essay

Diet for a Patient with Chronic Hunger, Iron Deficiency Anemia, and Lead Poisoning - Essay Example His weight and height are equivalent to a 21 month old child. He is underweight and it is not a good indication of a normal nutrition for his age. The health of a child is assessed and evaluate according to the growth development of a child upon birth up to the current age to determine the development and the improvement of the childs growth. Poor growth may indicate health problem or potential health threat it also has a great impact on cognitive development and morbidity of a child. For children same as Jonathans age, the normal height should be 38.5 inches and weight of 16 kg as a normal values for boys age 30 months-old according to the CDCs growth chart. The results of Jonathan’s laboratory tests show low hemoglobin level and high lead level in his blood. Children in Jonathans age are high risks of getting lead poisoning. According to, Toddlers explore their world by putting things in their mouths, there is a high probability that Jonathan might exposed his body to the things containing lead especially in the household. Although calcium can help fighting lead poisoning by preventing lead being absorbed in the body, iron is also an essential part of the process. Hemoglobin in the blood allows them to carry out the transport of oxygen, it carries protein in the blood. Decreased hemoglobin level in the blood may result to hematologic disorder, according to Pillitteri, hemoglobin is composed of globin, a protein dependent on nitrogen metabolism for its formation, and heme, an iron-containing pigment. Low hemoglobin level may cause Iron deficiency anemia due to low iron level in blood. This sections based on the childs nutritional assessment regarding food intake. In his case he drinks four glasses of milk or 32 ozs. per day. At Jonathans age he is ready to consume table food such as, meat, rice, bread, vegetables and fruits. These foods are necessary in contributing nutrition to children during

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Hitlers Table Talk, 1941-1944 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hitlers Table Talk, 1941-1944 - Term Paper Example Moreover, the conceptual accuracy of the statements in Picker’s book was notarized by Hitler’s personal aides, who witnessed most of the talks. Still, dubiousness to the book is given by the fact that the basic notes had been â€Å"finalized† by Henry Picker after the war, when he was captured by the British military forces. It is not impossible that the notes were entirely recomposed after the war and there is not doubt that such â€Å"revisions† were carried out under the order of British intelligence. The book still is in the middle of a fierce historical discussion. But no one denies that the book has a rational kernel, a grain of historical truth and is more than just the interesting fiction reading. A reader can notice immediately after reading that the book contains no answer to the most important question: How did it happen that the son of a petty official from the Austrian hinterland, poorly educated, with uncertain social background, inept and helpless, mastered all the dark forces and controlling them almost conquered the whole world? But the book is interesting in other ways. In the monologues, written in an informal setting, the leader of the Nazis is seen by the readers not only as a crazy dictator obsessed with mass murders, but quite often as a forehanded politician, understanding many areas of life, including individual and mass psychology. The book is nothing but the impressive collection of monologues and statements of Hitler, delivered in the most intimate circle, in the most private setting - during casual meals (lunch and dinners, but most often - the second dinners late after midnight) during the period 1941-1944. What is interesting in all this? The author clearly tries to study the development of Hitler’s thinking. This point is usually ignored by historians which is totally wrong. Personality of Hitler is revealed through

The effects of different political parties on the US economy Essay

The effects of different political parties on the US economy - Essay Example Despite this, Reagan added his own brand of Big Government with the swelling of the National Debt under his watch which crippled the economy. Liberal and conservative economic ideologies cannot necessarily be connected with Democratic and Republican Parties respectively as this paper will illuminate. The Great Depression was the worst economic slump ever in U.S. history, and one which spread to virtually the entire industrialized world. Many factors played a role in bringing about the depression; however, the main cause for the Great Depression was the combination of the greatly unequal distribution of wealth throughout the 1920’s, and the extensive stock market speculation that took place during the latter part of that same decade. The misdistribution of wealth in the 1920s existed on many levels. Money was distributed disparately between the rich and the middle-class, between industry and agriculture within the United States, and between the U.S. and Europe. This imbalance of wealth created an unstable economy. The excessive speculation in the late 1920s kept the stock market artificially high, but eventually lead to large market crashes. These market crashes, combined with the misdistribution of wealth, caused the American economy to capsize. The ‘roaring twentie s’ was an era when our country prospered tremendously. The nation’s total realized income rose from $74.3 billion in 1923 to $89 billion in 1929 (Hicks, 1960 p. 110). However, the rewards of the (Republican) ‘Coolidge Prosperity’ of the 1920’s were not shared evenly among all Americans. According to a study done by the Brookings Institute, in 1929 the top 0.1 percent of Americans had a combined income equal to the bottom 42 percent (McElvaine, 1984 p. 38). That same top 0.1 percent of Americans in 1929 controlled 34 percent of all savings, while 80 percent of Americans had no savings at all (McElvaine, 1984 p. 38).

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Blaming Wal-Mart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Blaming Wal-Mart - Essay Example The two sides I see are this: on one side are workers at Wal-Mart and at other shops, both trying to earn an honest living; on the other side are shoppers like me, also trying to earn a living. The main problem is not that both sides like different things. The problem is that both sides do not have the complete picture, and unless we do, we may end up destroying each other. I also like the convenience that a one-stop shopping place like Wal-Mart offers me. Six days a week, I work like a slave, but on the day I shop at Wal-Mart, I feel like the Queen! I love their service with a smile and their clean stores. Most of all, searching for bargains and seeing so many beautiful things give me pure joy. I cannot buy everything I like, but seeing those colorful items on display gives me something to look forward to, something to save for, a future treat to savor for myself, my kids, or for our home. A few hours shopping at Wal-Mart helps me rest and forget the many troubles in life. Walking through the shopping aisles of Wal-Mart is like a relaxing walk in the park, and this is what I want to continue enjoying, at least once a week. The essay made me think of how we can strike a balance between what each side wants.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Cross-cultual Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cross-cultual Managment - Essay Example How important are organizational status, prestige and level in the organizational hietrarchy What rights to make decisions are given to managers as function of their positions To what degree should employees automatically defer to the wishes and decisions of their managers Power distance refers to the belief that strong and legitimate decision-making rights separates managers and employees; this custom is frequently observed in Asian and South American countries. By contrast, employees in the United States and Scandinavian countries subscribe to beliefs of lower power distance and are less likely to believe that their managers are automatically correct. Therefroe, many employees in the United States and Scandinavia do not blindly defer to their manager's wishes. Cultures that emphasize individualism tend to accent individual rights and freedoms, have very loosely knit social networks and place considerable attention on self-respect. Strong emphasis is placed on the person's own career and personal rewards. Collectivism heavily accents group and values harmony among members. Individual feelings are subordinated to the group's overall good, and employees are more likely to ask, "What is the best organization" Face-saving (maintaining one's self-image in front of others) is highly important in collectivistic cultures. When face-saving is accomplished, then one's status in the group can be maintained. The United States has an individualistic culture; Japan is collectivistic, with a culture that can be characterized by the proverb "The nail that sticks up gets pounded down." The Chinese culture accents the importance of quaxi or relationships. Femininity versus masculinity Masculine societies define gender roles in more traditional and stereotypical ways whereas feminine societies have broader viewpoints on the great variety of roles that both males and females can play in the workplace and at home. In addition, masculine societies value assertive behavior and the acquisition of wealth; feminine cultures trasure relationships among people, caring for others and a greater balance between family and work life. The Scandinavian countries have the most feministic cultures; Japan has a markedly masculine one; and the United States has a moderately masculine culture. Uncertainty avoidance Employees in some cultures value clarity and feel very comfortable receiving specific directions from their supervisors. These employees have a high level of uncertainty avoidance and prefer to avoid ambiguity at work. Employees elsewhere react in an opposite manner since ambiguity does not threaten their lower need for stability and security. These employees may even thrive on the uncertainty associated with their jobs. Employees in countries such as Greece, Portugal and Belgium have high uncertainty avoidance characteristics and often prefer structure, stability, rules, and clarity. Countries lower in uncertainty avoidance characteristics include China, Ireland and the United States. Long-term versus short-term time orientation Some cultures accent values such as the necessity of preparing for the future, the value of thrift and savings and the merits of persistence. Members of these cultures exemplified by Hong Kong, China, Japan

Monday, September 23, 2019

Patient Education Handout on Schizophrenia Essay

Patient Education Handout on Schizophrenia - Essay Example Those with paranoid schizophrenia often have delusions or hallucinations and may become suspicious and hostile without any reason. The undifferentiated category includes those who manifest a combination of all these symptoms. Residual category refers to patients who have a previous history of the disease but currently do not manifest any symptoms. The effects of the disease can have serious repercussions on the lives of the patients, ranging from the tendency to overindulge in alcohol or reason. Schizophrenics also tend to remain secluded, often in a depressed mood. As a result, they become unable to cope up with the daily routine and may neglect work or other social commitments. In extreme cases, they resort to suicide when the depression overrides their capability to bear with the problem. However, no matter how serious the problem may seem, there is definitely hope as the modern medical science offers ample treatment avenues and medication to combat the disease. Medicines such as Risperidone, Aripiprazole, Quetiapine, Olanzapine etc have been proven to be effective in the treatment of the disease. Thus, with the support of family and friends, along with timely treatment and regular medication, schizophrenia can be treated. Schizophrenia: Core Interventions in the Treatment and Management of Schizophrenia in Adults in Primary and Secondary Care (Updated Edition). (2010).  

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Depatment of Veterans Affairs Essay Example for Free

Depatment of Veterans Affairs Essay The Department of Veterans Affairs is continuing to have many problems with many of the services that they offer. The service that has been impacted the most is the healthcare division, others such as vocational rehabilitation and the Post 9/11 GI Bill are not providing the proper outlets and support that the veterans are in need of. In recent months the VA has had many accountability problems with regard to patients even dying from lack of services. When these problems first came to light the Federal government investigated some of the problems and there was no accountability for the people that were not doing their jobs. There were also bonuses being given out when people were not doing their jobs. There have been many policy’s put in place such as Department of Veterans Affairs Management Accountability Act of 2014. This should help many of the problems that the VA is having in the healthcare division alone. The largest problem that they are currently having is a large backlog of patients just awaiting to be seen, as well as being understaffed for the amount of staff needed for the large amount of veterans now being seen. Recently the secretary of the VA, Eric Shinseki, resigned from his position and the Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Sloan Gibson took his position for a short period until a new secretary could be chosen. The new Secretary of Veterans Affairs is Robert McDonald. He has proposed many different ways to help get veterans the benefits that they have been waiting for. The backlog is still over 750,000 veterans with almost one third of them still being from the backlog. Some of the more recent problems have been that the Department of Veterans Affairs has caught employees discarding, through burning and shredding, the files of some of the veterans that have applied for benefits. There are other plans being put into place, one by the President, and this is the Veterans Choice Card. This new program will allow veterans to visit other hospitals and doctors outside of the VA for treatment. The Veterans Affairs hospitals can only grow so much until they need help from outside sources to h elp take care of everyone that needs medical attention. There has been an Industry Day as the Veterans Affairs office has been calling it which is going to be for determining the costs for healthcare outside of the VA. The topics that will be covered in this are:Â  Department of Veterans Affairs Management Accountability Act of 2014 Backlog

Friday, September 20, 2019

Russia Legal System

Russia Legal System Legal System and how it works: Russian legal system follows statutory laws which are based on legislation unlike case laws which is based on judicial precedent. The main legal body of comprises of Constitution, Federal constitutional laws, federal laws, presidential decrees, governmental regulations, and laws of regional constituents of the Russian Federation. Peter Gerendasi 2009, Doing business and investing in Russian Federation [online], Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Russia, p.7, Available According to Legal system of Russia, the judiciary is divided into three branches; the regular court system which has the Supreme Court on top, the arbitration court system which has High Court of Arbitration on top, and the Constitutional Court as a single body without any courts under it. In case of disputes between any business entities, the case is usually taken to arbitration court for trial. Vladimir Davydov Legal system of Russia [online], Available from: [Accessed: 25.3.2010]. According to the Russian laws, a Russian court cannot nullify a statute holding it unconstitutional. Vladimir Davydov further states that â€Å"upon motion of an interested governmental organization, it can hold a statute or an executive enactment unconstitutional, or give its interpretation of the Constitution.† When an issue of constitutionality of an act is raised during proceedings before a court, there is a rule that such a case is automatically referred to the Constitutional court. Further, the Supreme Court of Russia has the right of legislative initiative and can submit its conclusions conceding the interpretation of laws. Its views are considered highly authoritative and always taken into account by lawmakers. The Supreme Court issues guiding instructions for lower courts on specific matters of law which are a binding upon all the courts, state agencies and officials who use such laws and hence it is treated as a source of law in Russia. Vladimir Davydov Legal system of Russia [online], Available from: [Accessed: 25.3.2010]. Government rules and regulations establishing business The company needs to complete the following to be fully operable: production and registration of a corporate seal; register with the State Statistics Committee; register as a taxpayer; register with the Medical Insurance Fund, Social Insurance Fund and Pension Fund; and open bank accounts. Approximately it takes six weeks to fulfil such actions. All records of a company must be made, expressed and maintained in Russian, according to Russian bookkeeping standards. No matter Russian or foreign each company which runs business in the Russian Federation, has an obligation to register with tax authorities. Taxpayers must file tax returns monthly regularly and submit balance sheet quarterly to tax authority. The founders when establishing a company enter into an agreement and take an obligation. The charter and the foundation agreement are the documents that are required to be filed with the registration authorities. The content and structure of these documents are determined by the Russian law. Establishing a company in Russia [online], Available from: [Accessed: 25.3.2010]. Ownership of Business, Land and Office Most land (unlike buildings and premises) is not privately owned, but held by federal, regional and local authorities. Owners of property built on state land may purchase the land, but many property owners prefer to lease land from the state instead. Rights to real estate have to be registered with the State Register. In addition to registration with the State Register, the main technical and legal information on land plots (their measurements, boundaries, buildings standing thereon, etc.) must be recorded in the state land cadastre. Although the Land Code provides that if a building and the underlying land are owned by the same person, it is impossible to sell them separately, the land and the facilities located on it are treated as separate legal interests and may be owned by different persons. In general, Russian law neither imposes major restrictions on foreigners nor makes distinctions between foreigners, Russian legal entities with foreign interest and Russian legal entities/citizens in relation to ownership of land. Apart from land legislation requirements, a prospective developer has to comply with planning regulations that are rather complex and may differ depending on where the project is implemented. Peter Gerendasi 2009, Doing business and investing in Russian Federation [online], Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Russia, p.16, Available Labour/Employment Law The Russian Labor Code outlines the right of employees. If a conflict arises, an employee can demand his right against the protective provisions of the Labor Code in court.The normal working hours in Russia are 8 hours/day and 40 hours/ week. Foreigners entering the Russian Federation must have an identification document recognized by the Russian Federation. The enterprise which invites a foreign national must have obtained a permission to hire foreign employees and thereafter the employer must apply for the individual work permits with respect to each of the employees he is inviting.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sonnet 72 Essay -- essays research papers

William Shakespeare Sonnet 18 Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? a Thou art more lovely and more temperate: b Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, a And summer’s lease hath all too short a date: b Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines c And often is his gold complexion dimmed, d And every fair from fair sometimes declines, c By chance, or nature’s changing course, untrimmed; d But thy eternal summer shall not fade, e Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st; f Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade, e When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st: f So long as man can breathe, or eyes can see, g So long lives this and this gives life to thee g 3 Sentences: 1st sentence: line 1 2nd sentence: lines 2 - 8 3rd sentence: lines 9 - 14 This is a Shakespearean sonnet with no characteristics of a Petrarchan sonnet. GLOSSARY Temperate moderate Darling very dear Lease the term during which possession is guaranteed Date the time during which something lasts Complexion colour, visible aspect, appearance To decline to diminish, decrease, deteriorate Untrimmed not carefully or neatly arranged or attired Fair beauty, fairness, good looks Eternal infinite in past and future duration, without beginning or end To brag to declare or assert boastfully ‘SHALL I COMPARE THEE TO A SUMMER’S DA... ...tent iambic pentameter, encapsulates the idea of eternal life through versification. The meter is iambic pentameter and the rhythm is fairly regular throughout the sonnet. However, in a number of lines there are spondaic feet, used to emphasise threats to the beauty and the idea of eternity. Clear examples of this are the "Rough winds" in line 3 and the "death" that will not "brag" in line 11. In the latter example the threat of death is reinforced by the assonance between the words "death" and "brag". Line 9 is an interesting line as regards the rhythm. For the last two feet reinforce the turn, introduced by the "But". A regular rhythm would have a stress on "shall", followed by an unstressed "not". However, the opposite is true. This clearly adds to the contrasting quality of this line: after two regular iambic pentameters the stress on the "not" following the introductory "But" leaves no doubt about the turn the reader witnesses in this line. A truly beautiful e xample of a Shakespearean turn.

Connecting McCarthyism and The Crucible Essay -- Literary Analysis, Hi

The horrors of history are passed on from generation to generation in hopes that they will never occur again. People look back on these times and are appalled at how horrendous the times were; yet, in the 1950s, history repeated itself. During this time, Joseph McCarthy, a United States senator from Wisconsin, began accusing people of being communists or communist sympathizers, which is parallel to the Salem witch trials in the late 1690s when innocent people were accused of practicing witchcraft. One of the people McCarthy accused was author and playwright Arthur Miller. To express his outrage at McCarthy’s actions, miller wrote The Crucible, intentionally drawing similarities between the McCarthy hearings and the Salem witch trials. Miller directly targets McCarthy through the character Abigail Williams in The Crucible. Abigail is portrayed as a sneaky, manipulative girl, not unlike McCarthy. Abigail desperately yearned for John Proctor, begging him to â€Å"give [her] a word†¦a soft word,† but when John pushed her away and told her â€Å"that’s done with,† Abigail felt that the only way she could have John to herself was to accuse his wife, Elizabeth Proctor, of practicing witchcraft (Miller 1246). Although Abigail had no evidence that the people she accused were practicing witchcraft, the court took her accusations seriously because Abigail had credibility. Abigail accused Tituba of witchery, and when Tituba confessed that she had, in fact, conversed with the devil, it proved to the townspeople that Abigail had told the truth (1262). Similarly, McCarthy accused innocent people of being communists in order to get what he wanted: popularity in the political race for reelection for sena tor of Wisconsin (â€Å"Persecution† 1). McCarthy gaine... ...eb. 27 Dec. 2011. . "McCarthyism: The Aftermath." Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts. Web. 29 Dec. 2011. . Miller, Arthur. The Crucible. Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes. Kate Kinsella, et. Al, New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2002. 1233-1334. Print. "Persecution." Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts. Web. 29 Dec. 2011. . "The Red Scare: McCarthyism." Essortment Articles: Free Online Articles on Health, Science, Education & More... Web. 29 Dec. 2011. . "Whittaker Chambers." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 29 Dec. 2011. .

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

empathy and sympathy :: essays research papers

On Tuesday 6:30am an old friend of my mine that I knew for 20 years in NY, past away due to a heartatach, it was a shock to my self and all his family. I flew out to New York, trying to put my self together as it just hit me I will never see him again or hear his remarks about my way of life. All of the sudden I realized if I feel like that how will his children feel, how will there stepmother feel, and I remember yes they just lost their mom few years ago and now their dad. I started feeling sorry for them. I realized I am feeling sympathy for the kids and wife, I was thinking that they are remember their father with pain. I did not think as an empathetic person that maybe they are remembering their father with pain but also with the pleasure, he brought to their life. This is what I would like to write the how similar empathy and sympathy are and how different. How a little extra thinking and an extra word could change from sympathy to empathy. Moreover, how us as social worker should make sure we do not move from empathy to sympathy. Sympathy; what dangerous feeling to us Social Workers, yet it comes naturally without any warning and we have to make sure we convert it to empathy before its too late. We have to make sure we do not only agree with some aspects of the clients feelings, beliefs, etc. that he/she believe in which translates into sympathy, but above all we should involve experience, understand and tune into her/his entire inner world to represent empathy. If we Social service workers use empathy, we will respond more expandable to the client. Thinking about what happened to my friend’s family this week and watching how people gave sympathy to them, made me realize, that the more sympathy they gave them the more grieved they where.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Iceman

This 1936 painting entitled â€Å"The Iceman† done by Jacob Lawrence was completed sometime during the Harlem Renaissance. The painting is a typical portrait of and an honest reflection of daily life in 1930s Harlem, New York. It can easily represent any urban city during this time period. The artist uses the painting to show the connection, or lack thereof, between the neighborhood’s residents, as they seem to go about their daily routines without the social interaction that allied people during times of struggle.Lawrence employs symbolism and imagery to show how the neighborhood lacked connection. On first glance of the painting, three residents are noticed, all in their own apartments, being sold ice by the iceman standing on the street, and his helper. As the apartments are all in such close proximity of one another, one would believe that the residents would be interacting with each other. But at a closer glance, it is seen that they are all minding their own busin ess. This is strange for the era. It is well known that during the 1930s, segregation and racism were at their worst.In the north, tensions were high between the black and white classes due to the increased number of African-Americans migrating to larger cities. In the minds of the whites, the blacks were â€Å"taking over†. In most cases, when tragic or intense situations like this occur, it is typical for people to ban together and tread through the problems as a whole community – except in this case. Whether or not these people were real Harlem residents, it is quite unlikely that this separation of community would have really happened.Community is defined as â€Å"an interacting population of various kinds of individuals in a common location†, with â€Å"interacting† being the keyword. The characters made up in this painting include the iceman and his helper with the pushcart, a window washer, a woman possibly ironing or cooking, a man trying to hold onto his dog, and a darkened figure in an alley. Though these people appear to be financially on the poorer side, they still go about their lives separately, and with the ease of daily routine. It would be expected that at least two of these characters would be interacting with each other, for the sake of survival.Surprisingly, though, none of the residents are looking at each other, and they seem not to even notice the person living next to them. It is possible that Lawrence used this imagery after witnessing a lack of connection within a community such as this one. He might have wanted to influence Harlem residents to unify during these times of segregation. Jacob Lawrence used subtle symbolism to convey the neighborhood’s physical lack of connection. It is not immediately seen, but if one were to be inside the painting at the scene, there would be tangible evidence of the lack of connection – the fire ladder.It doesn’t seem to have any initial importance, oth er than being a source of escape, but in taking a closer look, it can easily be a symbol of disconnect within the community. Most fire escape ladders are constructed so that when they are necessary to be used, they can be pushed downward and the ladder will reach all the way to the ground. In this painting, the ladder does not reach the ground, making it more difficult for its users to escape. The ladder not connecting to the ground can be paralleled with the residents not connecting with one another.Tragedy has proven time and time again to be a unifier of worlds when people seem to be at their most distant, especially for African-Americans in the 1930s, except in the case of â€Å"The Iceman†, in which the community remained separated, even though their lives overlapped. Jacob Lawrence seemed to want to bring about a wave of pride in his people by painting this and using artistic elements to influence his audience. He put forth the use of subtle symbolism and imagery to rev eal a lack of connection within this Harlem neighborhood.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Emerging Trends in Csr in India

Emerging Trends in CSR in India Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR as is popularly known is a system of gauging an organization’s bearing on society and weighing their responsibilities. CSR is not just about getting involved in some charitable practices or having ecological responsibility and a recycling policy. It is about the whole representation of the company which is to be considered, from internal practices to their clients, taking in every stride that a business takes during its usual operations.It is a continuous commitment that companies should have towards the economic, social and environmental development of the community in which they operate. Several companies have now enthusiastically taken up to the cause of CSR in countries with rising economies such as India. Corporate social responsibility is sustainable, which involves companies to take up activities without having negative impact on their business.In India several companies have started realizing that i t is a sensible move to take up CSR activities and integrate it with their business process. Corporations are becoming increasingly aware of their role towards the society. They are responsible bodies that feel a sense of duty towards the common welfare and the environment. This comes with a growing realization that they, as an integral part of this society themselves, can contribute to its upliftment and empower of the entire country in turn.Thus Companies now are setting up specific departments and teams that develop policies, strategies and goals which are for their CSR programs and allocate separate budgets to support them. These programs are based on well-defined social beliefs or are carefully aligned with the companies’ business domain. In the modern era, the new generation of corporate leaders considers optimization of profits as the key, rather than the maximization of profit.Hence there is a shift of paradigm from accountability to shareholders to accountability to stakeholders. The focus has been on initiatives that are people-centric with active community participation at all levels. Moreover, the corporations themselves have moved away from the charitable initiatives like giving financial grants or sponsorships to providing products and services in a manner that would make a real difference in the target communities.Companies today are aiming a host of programs and schemes in several areas like education, healthcare, rural development, environment protection, protection of artistic and cultural heritage and disaster management that are modified to meet the specific needs of the target group and for the successful implementation of these schemes corporations devote not only financial resources but expertise, manpower, products and services. Corporate Social Responsibility is increasingly becoming an important aspect of corporate behavior and thus imperative to the business.There are several reasons attributed to this, one being that the pote ntial partners wants to work with companies that are sustainable and has a clean and good image in the society. Employees too want to work for a company that’s making a difference, prospective employees look to CSR reports and other information to get a sense of the corporate culture. Thus the corporations which are private initiatives are becoming more like public institutions whose survival depends on the consumers who buy their products and shareholders who invest in their stocks.A concern for social and environmental development should be made a part of every corporate entity through its inclusion in the annual agenda backed by strong and genuine programs. Thus corporate contribution to the society, environment and business when guided by enlightened self-interest leads to improvement of the quality of life for all. Also effective corporate responsibility requires a good level of commitment from the entire organization and especially the top management who can ensure that not only CSR is practiced in their organizations but is also practiced well.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Pride and Prejudice: Letter to Mrs Elizabeth Bennet Essay

Several days ago, I deemed to explain to you the idea of an ‘accomplished’ woman, conversely due to the lack of explanation the description conveyed was rather uninformative and tedious. Consequently, I write in another attempt to clarify my points, as I am not one who is virtuous at expressing myself verbally. Women are to be perfect with a decent family background, impeccable manners and perfect etiquette. Though an ‘accomplished’ woman must also have talents in music, drawing, dancing and a modern language to deserve the word. Such expected features apply to the women of your class. Miss Bennet, on that day at Lady Catherine de Bourgh’s estate, I listened vigilantly to the pianoforte being played by you and observed that it requires practice. Such perfection is highly required to those who play the pianoforte, as this justifies you to be an ‘accomplished’ woman. Miss Bennet, as you may know, women of this century must marry and obey men, as we hold all the resources. You and others of your kind have no independent means of subsistence. However, if the woman disapproves on marrying a man, then she will be critically discriminated from both the family and the public. Moreover, very little choice is offered to the women since their possessions, inheritances and earnings become treasures to us men at marriage. Essentially you do not gain anything beside a husband. Conversely, this is not part of the role of becoming an ‘accomplished’ woman but rather what you have to offer to pleasure men. In terms of career, the possibility for you to have a profession is rather low. With strict legislation towards education for women, many courses are barred from allowing the female sex in university. Though, if you truly desire to partake a profession, then a pathway to being a teacher would hold you in the most respectable position in our society. Nonetheless, these offers are only available to the brightest student of age 13 or upward. Nevertheless, women of the upper class, yourself included, would find it more preferable to remain at home and practice perfecting each of the obligations to fulfill the role of an ‘accomplished’ woman. Miss Bennet, this is my idea of an ‘accomplished’ woman. If you are able to fulfill such requests and obligations, then you will become the perfect woman in this society, consequently all men will select you as their wife.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Effective Communication at the Workplace Essay

Communication is the exchange and flow of information and ideas from one person to another. There are many different reasons for why people communicate, we need communication to express our needs and feelings for example a baby cannot talk to us and tell us what he/she needs so instead he/she would begin to cry to let us know that he/she is due for a feed. Another example would be if a colleague was missing her breaks because there was a staff shortage and she was cross about this, she would then talk to her supervisor and explain her reasons for being cross. Communication is important in a workplace setting because people must interact with one another in ways that will get the job done as quickly and effectively as possible (eNotes. (2013), study smarter). Read more:  Identify the different reasons people communicate  essay Communication is also very important to be able to build new relationships, with that being with the staff or children, if for example there was a fight in the playground which led to some of the children falling out then the staff could arrange some kind of team building activities, to help the children become friends again. Another example would be when the children have just started school or nursery, the staff could sit all the children in a circle and get them to say their names ad one thing they like doing, so the children are aware of others who like to do the same as them. Communication is also important to be able to give and receive information, this could be as simple as sending a letter home with a child to tell their parents about a forth coming event, like a parents evening or if there was a incident in school that the parents of the child would need to be aware off. Or to arrange after school clubs for children and the parents to be able to bond more. Communication is also important when we want to share are thoughts and ideas, for example if in nursery the staff could give the children a piece of paper to write down what they want to do more of then the staff could make an activity based on the children’s ideas. Another example would be if the staff of a setting wanted to involve the parents in after school activities then they could send home a question to ask the parents what they would enjoy doing. Communication is also important the be able to affirm one another, Affirmation is a statement of a positive effect (k.Hoban -2006) this is a good type of communication as it also helps the child’s development. You can use affirmation to make someone feel better about something they’ve done. For example a 9 month year old baby has just said da,da for the first the parents would praise the child by picking them up and hugging them and smiling. Another example would be a simple high five if a young child is doing something right like they have just finished a jigsaw or been to toilet when they needed to go. 1.2 Explain how communication affects relationship in the work setting. In order to work effectively with children, young people and their families, and so that we can plan for and meet their needs in order to do this we need good communication skills. Practitioners who have good communication skills are likely to have stronger relationships with children and their parents. This is because relationships are influenced by the body language, facial expression and ways in which others listen and talk to you. (Tassoni,2012) Without communication in the workplace there would be no good relationships, without relationships I the workplace there will be no trust so any relationships would break down leading to conflict and the staff possibly leaving a bad influence on the children. Also peoples personalities can affect relationships in the workplace because for example say someone has a really bubbly personalities, and someone else is quite shy then that might be intimidating meaning that the shy person may not want to express any ideas they have, leading to them not being as involved as they would like to be. With good communication skills we will find that people will have more of a positive attitude which will make others be more positive around them, creating a positive vibe throughout the workplace, it can also lead to stronger teamwork which will build trust, And then with the children if you show that you care, for example just listening to them talk, then the child will feel more attached to you meaning they will come to you with any concerns.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Managing cultural diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managing cultural diversity - Essay Example nomic growth for any organisation and this in turn results to an organisation achieving its set targets and objectives (, 2003). The result of socio-economic growth would be inadequate in terms of classifying people by their background, qualification and physical condition. This is not a right or a wrong subject, however, serious consideration is essential for internal strength and positive acceptance from all the parties concerned. Further detailed explanation will be shown using a case study of Park Plaza hotel. Diversity in the workplace is a people issue whereby the various differences that they have as well as similarities are taken into account. In this paper cultural diversity shall be looked into in relation to a service industry and in this case, the hotel industry. Cultural diversity in an organisation that wishes to emerge the top in its operations is taken to be multi-culturalism which is that aims at embracing and valuing the different cultures. Diversity has become a business necessity and not a legal or moral issue as the case was decades back. In this respect it has become a necessity that organisations take advantage of the diverse cultural backgrounds of its workforce in competing in the today’s rather global business arena. The hospitality industry has not been left behind in this aspect of managing cultural diversity in the workplace. (Devine 2006; Baum 2006) However, at the work place, women, older and less educated people are the ones that are most discriminated. The same case applies to those coming from developing countries by those from the first world. The disabled is the other group that is discriminated to the extent of their disabilities; an act that is not only wrong but inhumane (Deluca 1992). Therefore, organisations’ managements need to put these issues into consideration and come up with policies that are aimed at minimising these forms of discrimination at the very least so as to cater for the needs of

Thursday, September 12, 2019

What is a group Discuss with reference to Bion's 'Experiences in Essay

What is a group Discuss with reference to Bion's 'Experiences in group' and your own - Essay Example It is because lovebirds are sociable birds. They should go in pairs or in a group.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We join others wherein we feel a sense of belonging and security, thus becoming a part of a group. We seek to join aggregates that have common entity with us. We stick to a group because we know that this group have something the same about ourselves. Being a part of a group is therefore important in a person’s life for survival.   Every individual has its own niche therefore each is essential. It may be towards others or towards the environment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Group is defined as any social aggregation that contains at least two classes of people we refer to as â€Å"the leadership† and â€Å"the membership† or a more complex structure one having an external boundary and at least one internal boundary.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (2).   This enables us to view a group as a large circle whose external boundary   distinguishes its members (those inside the circle) and nonmembers (those outside the   circle) with a smaller circle inside the larger one represents the existence of the important   two classes of people in the group, the leadership and the membership.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Theorists like Cartwright and Zander (1968) on the topic groups and group dynamics have suggested that group is not a definable idea since it merely describes an area of study whose boundaries are blurred. Various definitions of groups can be made according to them wherein each one has its unique focus and may exclude other aspects that serve as core of the other definitions. 1. The individuals within the group think that they are group members who refer to themselves as we rather than I or they. They experience the same fate thus feeling a sense of belongingness and a common sense of identity. They are equally provided with the same benefits as to what the other members receive. 2. These group members have psychological effects on each other. These

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

A good man is hard to find Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A good man is hard to find - Essay Example She says, â€Å"I wouldn’t take my children in any direction with a criminal like that aloose in it† (O’Connor). Interestingly, it is the same grandmother who convinces the family to branch there on their way to since she wants to revisit a house. They unfortunately meet their untimed deaths at the hands of this Misfit. There is also something attractive in the way O’Connor describes Grandmother’s dressing. Despite her dislike of the idea of going to Florida, she is the first to get into the car wearing â€Å"a navy blue dress with a small dot in the print. Her collar and cuffs were white organdy trimmed with lace and at her neckline she had pinned a purple spray of cloth violets containing a sachet† (O’Connor). I think this dress symbolizes how a body is prepared for burial; dressed in their best attire. It is the grandmother’s reason for her glamour that removes any doubt on the coming events, â€Å"in case of an accident any one who sees her body on the highway will know that she is a lady† (O’Connor). O’Connor makes the protagonist to ignorantly speak of her coming death. The death of the whole family is also foreshadowed in the â€Å"passed by a cotton plantation with five or six graves†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (O’Connor). The numbers of the graves coincide with that of the family members, with O’Connor doubting if the baby can have its own grave or share one with its mother. Later the grandmother remembers one of her visits to an old plantation in Tennessee, neighboring â€Å"Toomsboro.† The word toomsboro brings to mind a tomb, an image that symbolizes death. The family faces the tombs at the end. Ironically, the house grandmother yearns to visit is not in the area they get a car accident. And when Wesley asks to know the plantation whose owners were buried in the five or six graves, grandmother says â€Å"gone with the wind.† This only shows what awaits the family in the end. After death, their souls will be â€Å"gone with the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Employment Relationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Employment Relationships - Essay Example Employee relations ensure that a certain professional relationship is maintained between the employers and the employees and this helps to achieve adequate productivity and creation of morale and motivation among workers. Gennard and judge (2005) say that employee relations involve collective bargaining by both parties about grievances and appeals that arise in the course of employment. This paper will address the factors influencing the change in employee’s relations and give recommendations. Since employees relations is an ongoing process, changes are bound to occur. Such changes include: change in the choice of communication method that the management chooses to use e.g. use of memos, briefing and so on. Change may also occur in the choice of payment method. It could be done in a performance-oriented way. Training and development employees could also change. Those are just some of the few changes that may occur. A change in the schedule of working hours is among the major factors that influence working relations. Employees agree to work for several hours that are spread over a given period of time. This allows workers to perform their duties as expected and also have time to do their own personal things like care for their families, take holidays and so on. An organization that has a favorable working schedule for its employees has increased staff retention, absenteeism is reduced and there is also increased productivity. On the other hand, if an organization has a too tight working schedule it will be strenuous to the employees and this will lead to a conflict between them and the employer because they will not perform their duties as expected due to fatigue leading to a decrease in productivity.  

Monday, September 9, 2019

The Colorado River Runs Dry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Colorado River Runs Dry - Essay Example The result is devastating. Projection shows that in the next decade, more people will content with a limited access to water and devoid of freshness (Zielinski 1). Currently one billion people face water stresses. The number is bound to increase. Parts in the world now have strict schedules of using water. The continued arid conditions will plunge more into the menace raising the eyebrows of officials in the water divisions of Colorado River. Desperate measures taken by authorities have gone to the extent of using authority money to replace water-gulping equipment and engineers going out of their way to developing plants to clean water (Zielinski 1). It will take more than replacing gulping lawnmowers and engineering plant to tackle the water crisis. Research institution as developed by Colorado River body will aid in the changing of the culture of water misuse. In addition, conservation of natural habitats and catchment areas is imperative in the search for fresh water supply. Culturally, the world needs to change ways of using the entire ecosystem. The world needs more trees than purification

Domestic violence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Domestic violence - Research Paper Example ic violence shelter has established several programs that can ensure the safety of domestic violence victims and provide the relevant support in an effort to eliminate domestic violence in the community. This paper will provide the details of all the processes and activities carried out by the program. The main objective of establishing a local, domestic violence shelter was to provide both short-term and long-term accommodation to domestic violence victims. Volunteers working in the shelter receive children, women, as well as men who have suffered domestic violence and can no longer live in their homes. Notably, women and children form the majority of domestic violence victims. Therefore, the local, domestic violence shelter receives children and women exposed to extreme domestic violence and present them with a safe place to live before situations return to normal. In some cases, the program organizes for long-term accommodation, especially for victims whose lives are at a risk. At the shelter, all the victims receive the relevant counseling from psychological experts. Domestic violence causes high levels of trauma in the victims. It can affect the normal development of children (Cook-Craig, Lane, & Siebold, 2010). Therefore, children who are exposed to domestic violence in the community can receive the relevant counseling and support in an effort to minimize long-term effects of domestic violence. In order to address issues related to domestic violence effectively, the volunteers indulge in a risk assessment process.The process sought to establish members of the community who are prone to domestic violence as well as establishing the potential causes of domestic violence in the community. All the volunteers recognize that it is impossible to address domestic violence effectively if the root causes of the problem are not identified (Cook-Craig, Lane, & Siebold, 2010). After identifying the social and community conditions that contribute to the increasing

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Candide El Dorado sequence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Candide El Dorado sequence - Essay Example Candide and Cacambo are appreciated in this strange land. Their host, the king and the old man together personify the goodness inherent in all human beings. Remember Candide has had a rough time since his fleeing the home of the Baron. He nearly gives up on the concept of equality and fairness. Despite the lessons received from Con’egonde’s tutor - the philosopher on equality of humanity, the harsh conditions in life alter his mentality towards a state of despondency (Shmoop 32). Eldorado therefore, offers an opportunity to dream again of a just society. Once again Candide is offered a lifeline. He has a reason to live more and appreciate life for what it is. The comparisons by Candide of the life in Westphalia and the life in Eldorado serve to show that Eldorado offers humanity a fair share of life. Candide compares the smiles of the schoolmaster to that of the old man, the kind of excuses given by the old man and even the life lived by the royalty under the king compa red to life in the baron’s palace. The depiction is of a people respectful of the sanctity of life. The society in Eldorado respects life. They purpose to preserve life. This is a major difference from the other cities and places Candide visits in his journeys (Voltaire 24). In his own land, he was forced out merely due to his unpermitted interaction with the daughter of the baron. This is due to an intolerant despot in the person of the baron. He represents the irony of societal leaders. Ideally, leadership was for maintenance of order, peace and harmony. Leaders are expected to be servants of the people. However, the baron’s demeanor full of contempt towards his own subjects who he openly discriminates offers the least of that. Consequently, Candide is denied with the pleasure and privilege of engaging with the baron’s daughter Con’egonde. Therefore, the warm reception Candide receives in Eldorado surprises him. This is a significant aspect of leadershi p. The author depicts the king in Eldorado as the true leader. The reception to the king’s residence not only amuses Candide but depicts the humility of the royalty in Eldorado (Wilson and Reill 201). Eldorado is a world of liberalism. The king allows ideas and pursuit of individual happiness. The bigotry and hypocrisy of other world leaders are openly disdained. The Eldorado’s are free to trade through the market system. Merchants, currency and commerce in general exist without an exploitative regime. The king does not hide behind service provision to collect taxes (Kohler and Magill).While other governments and societies employ the concept of laissez faire, they frustrate the spirit through the abuse of state resources. The free market system ideally views the government as the facilitator of free markets. It is on this premise that they pay taxes to enable governments provide the facilitating environment. However, in society, the governments of the day have continua lly abused state authority to satisfy their own selfish interests. The leadership of the king departs from this tradition. He allows economic empowerment. He uses the resources efficiently for the benefit of the people. Ideally, the author uses this to show his disdain of governments. He champions patriotic leadership that has the interest of the people at heart (Voltaire 24,25). Further a veiled effort to chide class struggles in society emanates. The primary reason that leads to Candide’

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Plea Bargaining Essay Example for Free

Plea Bargaining Essay Most cases are resolved through plea bargains. This is resulting from negotiations between the prosecutor and defense attorney. Plea bargains can be made at any stage of the criminal justice process. Plea bargains can be either a charge bargains or sentence bargains. There are advantages and disadvantages with plea bargains. With plea bargains, it can reflect the due process and crime control of the criminal justices. Plea bargain is an argument between the prosecutor and the defendant to plead guilty to a crime to receive a lesser charge or sentence rather than going to trial and getting a harsher sentence or charge. These bargains are another way for the prosecutor to have the defendant to testify against other defendants on other cases as well as the trail they are in. Plea bargains are another way to help reduce cases from going to trial. Usually please bargains are between the council and the defense attorney but the judge can have a factor in it depending on the jurisdiction. They can work with the judge for a predetermined sentence. If the prosecutor goes back on the agreement, the defendant can ask the judge for relief. The judge may use different tactics to go about this such as withdrawal of the agreement or have the prosecutor go through the agreement there are distinct types of plea bargain. Charge bargaining is the most common and used plea. Charge bargaining involve negotiating charges that would be filed. This plea bargain will be to lesser charges and the higher charges will be dismissed. Sentencing bargaining involves pleading guilty to the state charges and not to a reduced charge so that the agreement is for a lighter sentence. There is also a lesser used plea bargain called fact bargaining. This bargaining uses certain facts in return to not use other facts in the case that would cause a different verdict. The plea bargain has to follow through with these knowing rights: a knowing wavier of rights, a voluntary wavier, and a factual basis to support the charges t which the defendant is pleading guilty. Plea bargaining is often criticized but the majority of convictions are due to bargaining. The benefits a plea bargains is there for the defendant. The defendant has this as an option instead of a trial, its uncertainties and to avoid maximum sentence. For the courts it lightens their loads for the judges and the prosecutors. The disadvantages of plea bargains are for those who are innocent pleading guilty for a crime to avoid the harsher verdict if found guilty in a trial. The plea bargains require the defendants to give up their constitutional rights. Rights that are protected by the fifth and sixth amendment: the defendant will have to waive the right to a jury, the right against self-incrimination in the right to confront hostile witnesses. The plea bargains are accepted as long as the defendant understands the consequences and volunteers to do so. Now if the defendant is coerced to do a guilty plea then it is unconstitutional. It also makes law enforcement and lawyers lazy in doing their job because it is an easy way out of not taking the time to investigate and to prepare a decent case. The due process makes sure that the defendant is receiving fair treatment while in the criminal justice hands. Plea bargaining reflects the due process because if the prosecutor has all their facts together, they can pursue a case to avoid the motions of a trial. The counsel allows the defendant the option of the plea bargain. If accepted, their sentence is reduced. The crime control assumes all is guilty before court so the plea bargains will not likely to be used here. The crime control suggests everyone is guilty and they should be tried and punished before the court. Though they are on opposite ends, the due process and crime control model have benefits that all of the branches of the criminal justice can handle. To ensure those individuals are receiving fair trails, the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments are very valuable to the justice system. According to FindLaw (2013), â€Å"Judicial economy simply means that one goal of the judicial system is to conclude cases in an efficient and speedy manner. Without plea bargaining, it is widely believed that there would be an explosion of cases which in turn would overtax and disrupt the current legal system. † Plea bargains are a notion to a sure sentence. Going to trial can result in months or years of arguments, hung jury, and evidence being unaccounted for, and etc. Prosecutors prefer to settle cases with plea bargains than to juggle a verdict with a jury.

Friday, September 6, 2019

The main purpose Essay Example for Free

The main purpose Essay Businesses have functional areas so that the business can stay organized. Functional areas are the business broken down in to small areas so it becomes easier for the business to be looked after. The main purpose of functional areas is to ensure that all important business activates are carried out efficiently. if the business is to achieve its aims and objectives. In addition, specific areas will be responsibility for supporting specific types of aims and objectives. (BTEC first 2nd edition business). Functional areas large business organisations like Tate and Lyle divide themselves into different functional areas, this is because they have to be well organised to make all their aims and objectives possible and to make it an even easier place to work so that it can be more productive. There are different teams of people who are split into different functional areas so they are able to make the business operate more efficiently. All of the functional areas arent dependent on each other but have to work closely together for Tate and Lyle to operate. (http://www. coursework. info/GCSE/Business_Studies/Functional_areas_within_business_L65336. html) There are seven different functional areas in a business: 1. Finance 2. Administrations. 3. I. C. T. 4. Marketing. 5. Sales. 6. Research and Development. 7. Customer Services. 8. Human Resources. 9. Disterbution. 10. Production. These are the ten main functional areas in a business. Finance for NHS is given by the government and the government recives money from tax payers. Finance is one of the functional areas in a business. Finace deals with all the money in the flowing through the business. Finance studies and addresses the ways in which individuals, businesses, and organizations raise, allocate, and use monetary resources over time, taking into account the risks entailed in their projects. The term finance may thus incorporate any of the following:   The study of money and other assets   The management and control of those assets * Profiling and managing project risks   As a verb, to finance is to provide funds for business. (http://encyclopedia. thefreedictionary. com/finance). Administration is also a functional area in a business that deals with keeping track of all the transactions that take place. In business, administration consists of the performance or management of transactions and other matters, and the making and implementing of major decisions. Administrator can serve as the title of the General Manager or Company Secretary who reports to a corporate board of directors. This use is archaic. (http://encyclopedia. thefreedictionary. com/Administrations) I. C. T is used in most business to help make paper work easier and makes it easier to keep records. Director General of NHS IT Richard Granger gave some insights into his approach for realizing the aims and objectives set out in Delivering 21st century IT supports for the NHS in June 2002. Referring to the publication, he said that when he started last October he inherited a working paper not an implementation plan. In his view, in the past, NHS ICT-based projects had largely stuck at the features phase, which meant that the NHS rarely got to the benefits stage. He described the pitfall of spending a long time, often years, in the specification phase, which does not allow for the half-life of ICTs. By the time a specification is agreed and a solution procured, technology has moved on and the solution no longer delivers the current requirement. Mr. Granger clearly intends the NHS to get to the benefits stages of all its ICT procurements in the National Programmer for IT. ( http://www. bjhc. co. uk/news/1/2003/6001. htm) Research and Development is also a functiomal area in business. Research and development is done so your bussiness can provide there customers changing needs. Research and development   How to anticipate and adapt to your customers changing requirements. Find out about non-financial schemes and networks to help your business with research and development. * Credits and allowances can reduce your tax bill if you spend money on RD. (http://www. businesslink. gov. uk/bdotg/action/layer? topicId=1073859020) Customer Service Customer service is involved with dealing with customer enquires and certain problem that may arise with complaints, this is customer services comes in and deals with the problem solving of certain things that a customer may face. Good Customer Services = Satisfaction. Good customer service is the lifeblood of any business. You can offer promotions and slash prices to bring in as many new customers as you want, but unless you can get some of those customers to come back, your business wont be profitable for long. Good customer service is all about bringing customers back. And about sending them away happy happy enough to pass positive feedback about your business along to others, who may then try the product or service you offer for themselves and in their turn become repeat customers. (http://sbinfocanada. about. com/od/customerservice/a/custservrules. htm) Customer Service Software Flight deck the way to provide good customer services. What is Good Customer Care, its something that makes your customers Happy to do business with you   Customer Satisfaction, use Flight deck and be amazed how easy it is (http://www. flightdeckcrm. co. uk/customer-service-definition. aspx) Marketing Marketing is all about meeting customres needs. it Is a functional area in a businesses, markiting looks at the four ps wich are prouduct, prise, promotion and place. These are the four ps that the marketing departmant has to look at through the customers eyes. Marketing research research that gathers and analyzes information about the moving of good or services from producer to consumer. Market research is broader in scope and examines all aspects of a business environment. It asks questions about competitors, market structure, government regulations, economic trends, technological advances, and numerous other factors that make up the business environment. (See Environmental scanning. ) Sometimes the term refers more particularly to the financial analysis of companies, industries, or sectors. In this case, financial analysts usually carry out the research and provide the results to investment advisors and potential investors. (http://encyclopedia. thefreedictionary. com/marketing+research) Sales Sales are also a functional area in a business and businesses. Sales are the exchange of a good or a service for money e. g. card, cash and check. Sales, or the activity of selling, form an integral part of commercial activity. It could be argued that it is the cornerstone of business as it is the meeting of buyers and sellers and all other areas of business has the goal of making that meeting successful. Mastering sales is considered by many as some sort of persuading art. On the contrary, the methodological approach of selling refers to it as a systematic process of repetitive and measurable milestones, by which a salesperson relates his offering enabling the buyer to visualize how to achieve his goal in an economic way. (http://encyclopedia. thefreedictionary. com/sales) Human recourses Human recourses are functional areas in a business and it is for the employees (staff) of the business. Human recourses is in charge of recruiting new employees for the business and ensuring that the employee is trained and is suitable for the vacancy available. Human recourses aim to keep good and experienced workers so that business has a low staffs turn over, all employees have needs and expectations, just like customers the business has to look after it staff, this benefits the business because the staff be come more motivated because there needs are being meet. Human resources are the field of personnel recruitment and management. The person employed in a business or organization is staff. The number one glossary suggestion and question that people request is: What is the definition of human resources? William R.Tracey, in The Human Resources Glossary defines Human Resources as: The people that staff and operate an organization as contrasted with the financial and material resources of an organization. The organizational function that deals with the people Long a term used sarcastically by individuals in the line organization, because it relegates humans to the same category as financial and material resources, human resources will be replaced by more customer-friendly terms in the future. (http://humanresources. about. com/od/glossaryh/f/what_hr.htm). Disterbution Disterbution basically is the goods getting diliverd to the right location, right time and in good codition. Disterbution functions   Ensuring all goods are appropriately stored before dispatch   Ensuring goods for dispatch are securely packed and correctly labeled   Checking vehicle loads are safe and secure   Ensuring goods are dispatched at the right time   Checking that all deliveries match orders precisely and notifying sales if there are a discrepancy Completing the delivery document   Planning and scheduling vehicles routes. Notifying sales staff of delivery schedules so that customers can be informed * Dealing with distribution problems e. g. through bad weather or vehicles brake down. (BTEC first 2nd edition business) Production Production is the making of the product or good. production could be one of the flowing Manufacturing, a branch of industry that processes raw materials into finished goods for sale. Production, costs, and pricing, in microeconomics, the act of making things. Mass production, the large-scale production of standardized products using an assembly line. (http://en. NHS functional areas are: Finance Administrations. I. C. T. Research and Development. Customer Services. Human Resources. HMV functional areas are: Finance Administrations. I. C. T. Marketing. Sales. Research and Development. Customer Services. Human Resources. Production. AGRICULITURE farms functional areas are: Finance Administrations. I. C. T. Research and Development. Customer Services. Human Resources. OXFAMS functional areas are: Finance Administrations. I. C. T. Marketing. Sales. Research and Development. Customer Services. Human Resources. Disterbution.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

The strategies adopted by given organizations

The strategies adopted by given organizations Any management strategy adopted by a given organization or enterprise is always aimed at producing practical results in tandem with the existing organizational goals and objectives (Galie and Bopst, 2006). Several management theories and practices have been in place since time immemorial and always undergo improvements and optimization in order to give best results. The criteria followed when selecting a given management approach is influenced by several factors such as resource availability, organizational structures, operational costs and efficiencies, types and levels of diversifications, socio-economic factors, political and cultural factors, human resource development, international relations, among others (Ma, 1999). The primary objective of this paper is to discuss the various management theories that have been in place since 1900 and the various factors that have influenced their evolution, and adoption in organizational management. For better understanding, a comparison of the organizational perspectives using the basic characteristics and properties of the mechanistic and the organic organizational designs shall be briefly highlighted in the paper. Management theories provide logical theoretical frameworks applicable in the administration and general management of organizations and business enterprises. These theories basically act as a springboard or foundations that help guide enterprises toward achieving their set goals and objectives (Weymes, 2004, 85). In most cases however, the scientific management approach has been used a model in the managerial elements of organizations. In this case, organizations and business enterprises carry out systematic analysis of this model and modify most of its characteristic aspects in order to suit specific managerial requirements (DuBrin, 2006). Precautionary measures are usually put in place to ensure the fundamentals of this management strategy are upheld at all times. For the last one century (period between 1900 and 2000), the management theory is said to assume a developmental and progressive nature that puts into consideration the emerging trends and needs (environmental and internal needs) of organizations through appropriate response and adaptation mechanisms. In this domain, there are several approaches namely the classical approach, the quantitative approach, the human resource approach, the systems perspectives, the contingency approach, and the information communication technology (ICT) approach. The Quantitative Approach In management, the quantitative approach revolves around maximum utilization of a group of techniques and methods to aid the decision making process. This approach is derived from the scientific model and is often referred to as operations research and/or management science. In operations research, several scientific and mathematical analytical tools are broadly applied in deriving optimal management solutions. Such quantitative tools include, but are not limited to linear programming, statistics, queuing theory, the game theory, network analysis, and decision trees. The managerial applications utilizing the quantitative approach include quality control, quality assurance and inventory control (DuBrin, 2006). The Classical Approach In management, the classical approach includes a general combination of both administrative and scientific management. In this regard, scientific management involves broad application of scientific techniques and approaches with the overall aim of boosting the productivity and general performance of individual workers in a given organization. Administrative management on the other hand revolves around appropriate use of best management practices in the structuring, reorganization and general management of the organization (DuBrin, 2006). The Human Resource Approach This model applies the psychological facet of human nature in organizational management. The approach puts more emphasis on people management through proper understanding of their mindsets and individual needs (Gomberg, 1985). Major characteristics of the human resource approach revolve around the Hawthorne effect which is basically the study of human behaviour in response to apparent attention from evaluators/auditors. Secondly, the human resource model utilizes various components of the McGregorà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s Theories X and Y, particularly in regard to human nature with specific reference to responsibility and work (Murphy, 2003). Lastly, this approach incorporates the Maslowà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s hierarchy of needs, spreading out from the very basic wants to those intended for leisure and self-actualization. Manpower development approaches, organizational behaviour theories and human resource management are based on the fundamental principles of this theory. The Systems Perspective This approach creates an analogy between an organization and a system made up of several intertwined features and components (Murphy, 2003). There are several management theories applicable fro the systems perspective e.g. strategic management theories of collaborative and competitive advantage, the innovation and competence theory, the human resource management and organizational behaviour, the resource-based view i.e. the theory of competitive advantage, etc (DuBrin, 2006). The systems perspective is an imperative method since the interlinking and interaction of existing capabilities, systems and internal resources can be used to give a better explanation of the changing trends and responsive nature of organizations towards their surrounding environment (Murphy, 2003). The Contingency Approach This is a management tool that appreciates the fact that no single management tool can be regarded as the best practice to effectively manage people and work in every prevailing situation. Based on this perception, this approach encourages the management teams to fully analyse situational and individual differences before settling on a given approach or solution (DuBrin, 2006). The innovation and competence theory and the strategic management theories of collaborative and competitive advantage, coupled with the perspectives of industrial organization utilize the various elements of the contingency approach in optimization and in carrying out improvements. The contingency approach also puts into consideration the different organizational and environmental structures and needs that influence an organization, together with other factors such as resource availability and capabilities with respect to individual organizations (DuBrin, 2006). The ICT (Information Communications Technology) Approach This approach has been influenced by the technological advancements in the various fields of ICT, including the internet. The developments in this field have several positive impacts on the organisational behaviour and the general conduct of managers and workers. The management theories utilizing the ICT approach include the supply chain management (i.e. procurement, distribution, logistics inventory theories), the strategic management practices and knowledge technology management (Murphy, 2003). Basic Characteristics of Types of Organizational Design The table below summarizes the two extreme ends that can be applied in organizational design and management Table 1.1: Basic Properties of Types of Organizational Design (Source: Derived from, Murphy, 2003, pp. 14) Organizational Feature Organic Mechanistic Centres of Power/ Authority Few Many Division of Labour Low High Power Base Expertise/ Merit Position Interrelations within the organization Many Few Use of Strict Rules, Regulations and Procedures Low High Primary objective / purpose Responsiveness, Adaptability, Flexibility Efficiency Based on the above discussions, it can be deduced that several management approaches can be used when dealing with various situations. There is no way one single approach can fully satisfy all the needs and demands of the organization (Robbins, et al, 2006). Compromise and optimization of all the above approaches can be utilized in deriving the best management practice that is result oriented. In scenarios characterised by complex, uncertain, ambiguous and volatile conditions, it is quite in order to restructure organizations by adopting strategies that can best fit the challenges posed by the prevailing circumstances. Conclusion