Saturday, August 31, 2019


Kiandria Grissett Business Math-7 4 / 20 / 2013 Estimation 1. Discuss at least two â€Å"real world† examples in which you use estimation in your daily life. 2. Discuss from your examples how estimating can have negative effects if you over or under estimated. 3. Think of an example in a real world scenario when a company or organization might use estimation and have negative or devastating results. One real world example I would like to discuss is how many minutes it takes me to get up and be at the marina at 11am. I work on Baldhead Island which means I have to catch a ferry to get to work.Each ferry leaves every half hour and not a minute late and I have to be there before 11am. I usually estimate my time right on point I wake up at 9:30 am it usually takes me 20 to 30 minutes or less to take a shower, get dressed, brush my teeth, and do my hair. I leave my house no later than 10:15 am which puts me at the marina at 10:45 am waiting on the boat. Another example that I would like to discuss is getting my boyfriend back and forth to court when he has it being that he is from another county in the state of North Carolina and it takes us at least an hour and forty-five minutes to get there.When he does have court it usually takes in at 8am. We usually wake up at 6:20am (I know we are pushing it on the time) get dresses, feed the dogs and are out getting gas no later than 6:40am. We make this long drive down the interstate driving 80 to 85 miles an hour just to make it to court by roll call but for some odd reason we always make it on time. That’s what I call good estimation. Some negative effects when over and under estimating are sometimes had to tell because you never know what may be going on, on the highway.Let’s dig into over estimating I think can be a good thing which means you are where you need to be early enough so that you are not rushing. It can also be a bad thing because if I leave my house too early and the ferry is running la te this means I may have to sit there for three maybe four hours waiting on a ferry which makes me miss money from work. Under estimating is always a bad thing because you really don’t want to be late for anything that is important point blank period.Being that I live twenty minutes from the ferry I have to drive thru another town to get to the marina. Sometimes this town is very busy because they always have cook-offs, parades, and sometimes just traffic from the outage. So under estimating for me sometimes is a no, no because I never know how traffic is going to be. An real world example scenario being that I am a cosmetologist and I use to work in a hair salon and some specials we use to run were negative because it use to bring a lot of business but when the specials were over it was like back to running a slow salon.I think it was devastating to the owner because she was estimating that she had a great salon and a good location and it would bring a lot of clientele but b ecause this town is so small I tried to explain to her some of these people don’t like to change up their stylist because they have been going to them for a long time. So she estimated by running specials it would bring customers and keep them coming but she was sadly mistaken.

Nature of Philosophy Essay

Philosophy * Comes from the 2 Greek words  « philos -love  » and  « sophia -wisdom  » * tasks that requires a deliberate effort to seek the truth. * The act of questioning or wanting to know initiates philosophy, and most of the time we relate philosophy to thinking. * Knowledge of all things, through this ultimate causes, aquired through the use of reasoning * Is the intense and critical examination of beliefs and assumptions Philosopher * Lover of knowledge * A person who seeks knowledge for its own sake and not for any other motive. * Philosophers examine questions dealing with life’s most important aspects. * Raphael (1994) describes philosophy as essentially divided into two branches: the Philosophy of knowledge and the Philosophy of practice. * The Philosophy of knowledge is attentive to critical examination of assumptions about matters of fact and argument. Included in this branch are: epistemology (study of knowledge), metaphysics (the study of ultimate reality), the philosophy of science, philosophy of mind and philosophical logic. * Philosophy of practice, on the other hand, focuses on critical examination of assumptions about norms or values and includes ethics, social and political philosophy, and the philosophy of the law. It is the Philosophy of practice, particularly moral philosophy, that provides a groundwork for discussion of many of the troubling issues facing nurses. Objectives of Philosophy * To seek the deepest explanations of existence and the nature of being. It specifically uses reasoning to show its natural scope in deriving explanations Spiritual / religious influences * Historically, many of the dominant religious institutions made judgements about the origin and essence of healing and described those who would hold positions as legitimate healers. * Nevertheless, nursing in  some form has existed in every culture, and has been influenced by spiritual beliefs, religious practices, and related cultural values. Gender influences * In every culture, women have been healers * As a result of the perception that women are more humane and more caring by nature, they have been viewed as naturally endowed with nursing talents. *  «Every woman†¦ has, at one time or another of her life, charge of the personal health of somebody, whether child or invalid- every woman is a nurse.  » ~Nightingale ANCIENT / PRESOCRATIC (7th century B. C) * Greek thinkers, called themselves  « wise men  » but of humility. * PYTHAGORAS- * One of the Greek thinkers, wanted to call himself a person who just love wisdom or a philosopher. * From then on, the Greek used the word philosophy for love of wisdom and philosopher as a lover of knowledge. * In the ancient times the position of healer was practiced by those thought to have special spiritual gifts. * When the reigning deity had a feminine, bisexual or androgynous nature, women were leaders in the healing arts. * As the world became a harsher place, and the Gods assumed a masculine nature, women’s role as independent, primary healer was taken away The Early Christian Era. * Early Christian nurses were frequently women of high social status and often became independent practitioners. * When religious belief moved toward a single male God, women’s healing role changed from that of sacred healer to subservient caregiver. MIDIEVAL / MIDDLE AGES * Christian scholars and Arab philosophers were the first to create a direct link of Philosophy to Theology, one of its main inspirations in the Christian faith which became a stimulus to reason. * During this time, monastcism and other religious groups offered the only opportunities for women to pursue careers in nursing. * Much of hospital nursing was carried out by repentant women and widows called sisters and by male nurses called brothers. * Deaconesses, matrons, and secular nursing orders were among the organized groups that had religious foundations and offered nusing services. * Much of hospital nursing was carried out by repentant women and widows called sisters and by male nurses called brothers. * Deaconesses, matrons, and secular nursing orders were among the organized groups that had religious foundations and offered nusing services. * Women who entered nursing orders donated their property and wealth to the Church and donated thier lives to service-believing that  « charity  » was synonymous with  « love  » * The term empirical relates to knowledge gained through the process of observation and experience. * Consequently, people were more likely to seek healing through religious intervention since the position of the Church was that only God and the devil had the power to either cause illness or promote healing * The crusades, which begin in 1096 and lasted nearly 200 years, brought many changes in health and population. * In response to the compelling need, military nursing orders were formed. These orders draw large numbers of men into the field of nursing. * During the Middle Ages, the status of women also declined. In many ways this was directly related to church doctrine. * St. Thomas Aquinas, known as the  « Angelic Doctor  » wrote that one should  « only make use of a necessary object, woman, who is needed to persevere the species or to provide food or drink†¦woman was created to be man’s helper, but her unique role is in conception†¦ since for all other purposes men would be better assisted by other men.  » * St. Jerome remarked that  « women is the gate of devil, the path of wickedness, the sting of the serpent, in the world a perilous object » * It was a popular religious view that women were essentially evil by nature. The pain of childbirth was believed to be punishment for Eve’s transgression, and served the purpose of reminding women of their original sinful nature. * Although the medical profession was officially sanctioned by the church, and male physicians were beginning to be trained in the university setting, there was scant scientific knowledge. They used bloodletting, astrology, alchemy, and incantations * Peasant women were  often the only healers for people who had no doctors and suffered bitterly from poverty and disease * These folk healers had extensive knowledge about cures that had been handled down for generations via oral tradition. * These women developed an extensive understanding of bones and muscles, herbs, drugs, and midwifery * This atmosphere set the stage for Church-sanctioned crimes against women in the form of the witch hunts. * Any women who treated an illness, even if she aplied a soothing salve to the diseased skin of her child, was likely to be acused of witchcraft. * If the treatment failes, she was sough to have cursed the patient. If the treatment succeeded, she was believed to be in consort with the devil * Although women were permitted to practice midwifery, these women were in danger of being accused of witchcraft if anything went wrong with either mother or baby MODERN (16th- 18 century A. D * During this period, Rene Descartes was known as the Father of Modern Philosophy, to his philosophy of rationalism and empiricism * RATIONALISM- – is a philosophical doctrine that specifically uses resoning and proof in explaining reality EMPIRICISM: – regards experience as the only source of knowledge,for it was during this time that the abundance of knowledge in science became a challenge for all philosophers to prove their discoveries and breakthrough to the aid of the aforementioned doctrines Renaissance and the Reformation * The sixteenth century heralded the beginning of two great movements: the renaissance and the reformation. * The renaissance produced an intellectual rebirth that began the scientific era * The reformation was a religious movement precipitated by the widespread abuses that had become a part of Church life and doctrinal disagreement among religious leaders. * The scientific community made advanced in mathematics and the sciences. * Rene Descartes is credited with proposing a theory that quickly altered philosophic beliefs about the separation of mind and body. * He proposed that the universe is a physical thing, and that everything in the universe is like a machine, which can be analyzed and understood. * Based on Descartes’ work  « cartesian philosophy  » began to replace religious beliefs related to the physical and spiritual beliefs of humankind. * As a direct result, a separation was created between the acts of caring and curing in the healing arts. * The reformation produced a split in the church. * A struggle between Catholic and Protestant groups spread across Europe, as a result, Catholicism lost its power in many countries. * Laws and cusotms in Protestant countries discouraged the humane care of the  « downtrodden and the weak  » CONTEMPORARY (20th century) * The existence of a great variety of doctrines of philosophy strenghtened its grasp in seeking the truth. * Among these are the doctrines of: * Karl Marx- Marxism * Immanuel Kant- Kantianism * Jean Paul Sartre- Existentialism The modern era * Florence Nightingale became a model for all nurses. She was a nurse, statistician, sanitarian, social reformer, and scholar. * she was politically astute, intelligent, and single-minded. * Although she was opposed to using church affiliation as a criterion for admision to nursing programs, her religious beliefs were evident in her dealings with students, whom she admonished to work, work, work, because  « if there is no cross, there is no crown  » * Another of nursing’s great modern leaders is Lavinia Lloid Dock * She was concerned with the many problems plaguing nursing, warning that male dominance in the health field was the major problem confronting the nursing profession.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Basic Needs Shank’s Old Boss Failed to Meet Essay

According to Maslow’s hierarchy, which basic needs did Shank’s old boss fail to meet? Explain why the needs have not been met. What could be done to meet these missing needs? The basic needs which Shanks old boss failed to meet are as follows: The need for self-actualization â€Å"the desire to become more and more what one is and to become everything that one is capable of becoming. † People who have everything can maximize their potential. They can seek knowledge, peace, esthetic experiences, self-fulfillment, oneness with God, etc. Emily Griffin from Flight 001 stated the ollowing: So it’s not that it’s better than nothing, but they do still recognize the contribution, even if I’m not quite getting it right. This negative statement tells me that the self-actualization is a missing component within this company. She is completing a project Just to get it accepted and not maximizing her potential and her highest level of functioning. Emily s hould be able to move through the needs to the highest level provided they are given an education that promotes growth. Use the Expectancy Theory and/or the Equity Theory of motivation to explain how feeling nderpaid might affect the work of a Flight 001 associate and what a manager can do to increase the employee’s motivation. A Flight 001 associate that feels underpaid may form perceptions of what constitutes a fair ratio (a balance or trade) of inputs and outputs by comparing our own situation with other ‘referents’ (reference points or examples) in the market place as we see it. In practice this helps to explain why people are so strongly affected by the situations (and views and gossip) of colleagues, friends, partners etc. in establishing their own personal sense of fairness or equity in their work situations. People need to feel that there is a fair balance between inputs and outputs. Crucially fairness is measured by comparing one’s own balance or ratio between inputs and outputs, with the ratio enjoyed or endured by relevant (‘referent’) others. If there is not a fair balance employees feel demotivated. Generally the extent of demotivation is proportional to the perceived disparity with other people or inequity, but for some people Just the smallest indication of negative isparity between their situation and other people’s is enough to cause massive disappointment and a feeling of considerable injustice, resulting in demotivation, or worse, open hostility. Some people reduce effort and application and become inwardly disgruntled, or outwardly difficult, recalcitrant or even disruptive. Other people seek to improve the outputs by making claims or demands for more reward, or seeking an alternative Job. A Manager can increase employee motivation with financial rewards – pay, salary, expenses, perks, benefits, pension arrangements, onus and commission – plus intangibles – recognition, reputation, praise and thanks, interest, responsibility, stimulus, travel, training, development, sense of achievement and advancement, promotion, etc. Managers need to understand the Equity Theory – and especially its pivotal comparative aspect – to be able to appreciate and improve one person’s terms and conditions to resolve that individual’s demands. Equity Theory reminds us that people see themselves and crucially the way they are treated so they must be managed and treated accordingly. Based on Herzberg does Two Factor Theory, what hygiene factors can you identify that are being met within Flight 001 ‘s work environment based on comments made by employees in the video? How are they being met? Is Flight 001 ‘s work environment meeting any motivation factors? If so, which ones and how? The hygiene factor that are being met within Flight 001 ‘s work environment are as follows: Working conditions, Company Policies and Interpersonal relations. Flight 001 has great working conditions for their employees and they pay attention to detail as far as letting their employees know that they are ot Just a number but as important as the any other employee where they are at a higher level of management and this also creates interpersonal relations between all employees and making them feel as adequate as the next. Due to the new baggage policy and charges customers want to bring more carryon luggage on the plane. The employees were informed and trained on how to react to this new policy in a positive manor to satisfy the customer. References http://stewardess. inhatc. ac. kr/philoint/general-data/maslow’s-hierarchy-of- needs-I . htm http://www. businessballs. com/adamsequitytheory. htm

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Short Writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Short Writing - Assignment Example Another reason I found this article interesting was that as a student I recognize that writing is an important element of communication, as well as scholastic and professional success; as such, I believe that it can benefit me as a writer and communicator to understand various sociolinguistic and rhetorical aspects of the English language. The study functioned by mapping a large segment of spoken English as a means of determining the emotional significance of the word usage. While the researchers had anticipated there would be an even distribution of language along negative, neutral, and positive parts of the spectrum, the research demonstrated that a disproportionate amount of the words fell near the positive end. The research is significant as it attests to prominent sociolinguistic elements. The researchers make the qualitative jump that the emphasis on positive word usage seems to be correlated with the development with the English language as one of utility. The researchers contend that as language is a fundamentally social activity the preponderance of positive words should come as limited surprise. Still, they also argue that while limited negative words were used when they were implemented they seemed to be in more meaningful contexts. From this perspective the researchers argue that there is seemingly a †˜don’t cry wolf’ effect in occurrence, wherein language users restrictively use negative language to communicate necessary and meaningful occurrence; conversely, it seems positive language can be implemented more in terms of a general expression of optimism. In conducting this specific study there were a number of methods that the researchers implemented. As it would be impossible to simply map the entire English language, it was examined in usage patterns as recorded from, â€Å"two decades of material from The New York Times, 18 months worth from Twitter, manuscripts from Google Books produced between 1520 and 2008 and

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Court Decisions and Powers Over Educational Financing Essay

The Court Decisions and Powers Over Educational Financing - Essay Example The disparity in education financing has been the major issue with the judicial system. Legal provisions for equal protection, based on the 14th amendment, have formed the basis of the litigation regarding the finances. According to the clauses, every person is entitled to equal treatment and no disparity should, therefore, exist on education financing (Ryu, 2015). While the courts made significant efforts in enforcing existing laws to regulate educational financing, reforms that the courts initiated had little effects in solving the financing inequality that the society realized. Ryu further argues that court decisions on educational reforms have argued for adequacy of available education and not on financial neutrality. The ineffectiveness in previous courts’ attempt to regulate educational financing suggests a lack of power to implement the decisions and indicate a possible occurrence in future. The change in focus from fiscal neutrality also means possible elimination of t he jurisdiction from the judicial system and suggests that the courts are not likely making decisions on the issue (Ryu, 2015). The Supreme Court decision on fundamentality of education as a constitutional right and the court’s final decision on related cases is another indicator that courts have ceded their power on educational financing and are not likely to make any ruling on a case that seeks to challenge educational financing policies. The Supreme Court noted that education is not a fundamental right and should therefore not be considered under the equal opportunity clauses and any other amendments that provide for human rights.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

When Worlds Collide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

When Worlds Collide - Essay Example Humans, however, could not help intervene in the course of nature and hence, assist in migration just as when the so-called Torreya Guardians plant Torreya seeds in spots of cooler region from North Carolina to New York. Contemplating upon the impact of climate change, Fox expressed how observations become inclined to thoughts of extinctions and die-offs so that ‘transplantation’ by men, being the remedy accounted for, occurs to be a significant challenge among ecologists. While for ecologist Mark Schwartz, it appears inevitable to rescue some species by assisting their migration, other ecologists realize certain potential threats in this approach. Plant ecologist Richard Primack was bound to conclude that â€Å"our efforts to introduce species will fail† on the basis of Minot Pratt’s gardening with 60 plant species out of which merely 2 new arrivals survived. On the other hand, ecologist Guy Midgley studied 6,000 endemic species where he discovered that protea, a flowering plant, readily interbreed then brought a great deal of critical thinking about the bothersome evolution of new hybrid species which bear the likelihood of eliminating the parent species being saved. Considering, nevertheless, that climate change is allowed to have sole control of rearranging our ecosystems, it would be like as Charles Darwin imagined to be an ‘orderly affair’ between the movement of species and the change in climate it responds to. When t his takes place, according to Fox, no-analog communities or species living in odd combinations develop – a proven situation from analysis of species originating from the last glacial retreat in the past 10,000 to 17,000 years. At this stage, Fox figured that â€Å"it is one thing to move a few charismatic species but quite another to move every anonymous species† that human-assisted migration ought to be customized to meet such concern thus.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Analogical paper on Gambling related to the Mahabharata or the Essay

Analogical paper on Gambling related to the Mahabharata or the Bhagavad-Gita - Essay Example Gambling can be a major entertainment in Las Vegas and Macao, and it is legal. However, public gambling is illegal in my home town, Taiwan. This gambling issue in Taiwan can relate to how Yudhisthira loses everything including himself in the dice gamble with Sakuni. It seems to me that gamble is like a drug and people who like to gamble cannot get rid of it because they are already addicted to gambling. If people are addicted to gamble, they lose their focus from their life goals. Gambling is betting of money or anything of material value on an event with unknown outcome. It is made to win instant and additional money or material goods. Gambling is both legal and illegal. It is the major commercial activity; the legal gambling market estimated in 2009 was worth $335 billion. The types of gambling are Casino games Table games Electronic gaming Non-casino gambling Fixed-odd betting Pari-mutuel betting Sports betting Arbitrage betting Gambling in the modern world has taken many shapes. The world spends billions on gambling every year. It may be a hobby of the elite class but those who lose everything because of gambling is the subject of debate. 1.1 History of gambling They history of gambling is ancient and relates to the different parts of the world. From Hindu to catholic and Jewish to the modern man or atheists; gambling has always been there, expanding and modernizing. Different parts of the world have different ways to gamble. Many popular games played in modern casinos originate from Europe and China, whereas the card games originated in the Middle East. Betting on horses originated from Arab (Aasved, 2003, pp.194). 1.2 Why do people gamble? The first answer to this question is because they want to become rich (Brenner and Brenner, 1990, pp.81). They want their money to double in a blink of an eye which is not possible in reality. That is why without being sure of the result they spend money so that they get a far greater amount in return. Gambling is an ad dition to have easy and quick money. Their lust for it is so strong that the negative outcomes never overtake the prominent desire to earn a lot of money in return to the smaller amount. According to Brenner and Brenner (1990, pp.169), number of attempts is made to understand gambling behaviors. One of the facts is that, gambling is a matter of taste. People who like to take risk usually gamble whereas those who are afraid do not. Gambling is a dangerous game not everyone risks for it. The poor who have the desire for money relatively fall for it more than the rich. It is also observed that those who lose money or business may gamble to meet their requirements. Gambling is a big business; people who want others to gamble make it attractive and appealing. Nice talks are made about gambling, prizes are highlighted. Both small and large amounts on lotteries and bets attract those who want to risk or are addicted to gamble. 1.3 Issues and problems related to gambling There are many issu es related to gambling, it is not necessary that always the outcome of gambling is a problem. Low risk and safe gambling can also be made, but when the limits are crossed and large risks are taken gambling problem arises. Some of the problems related to gambling are: a. Impact on families Families are mostly affected by gambling problems. People lose almost everything in gambling even there place to live. It causes long term issues. b. Money problems: It is the most important problems which brings with it all others. It may be

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Worlds Most Ethical Companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Worlds Most Ethical Companies - Essay Example This essay will discuss about the ethical responsibilities and company policies of PepsiCo towards consumers, employees and environment. Ethical and social responsibilities are vital for every organization to strengthen the relationship between customers, employees and communities. PepsiCo is the most global ethical company that is promoting ethical responsibility both socially and environmentally. PepsiCo has also developed several practices and programs that can help them to achieve success. Some of world popular beverage brands are owned by PepsiCo which are Pepsi-Cola, Lay’s, Mountain Dew, Tropicana and Diet Pepsi. The pivotal mission of PepsiCo is to be world’s largest premier consumer products’ manufacturing and distributing organization. There are many ways in which PepsiCo behaves morally responsible towards environment. In the year 2009, PepsiCo promoted and created sustainable process that can enable to raise the level of availability of water in regions which are affected by crisis of water. The promotion of clean water is one of the important practices initiated by PepsiCo to be more responsible towards environment. The demonstration and promotion of this practice made PepsiCo Foundation to receive award for best ethical initiative taken by any organization in the year 2010. Huge amount of capital has invested by PepsiCo Foundation to ensure clean water to the emerging markets. Some of the countries in which PepsiCo has started this operational program are Bangladesh, Brazil, India and Africa. Some of the examples of the commitment initiated by PepsiCo for environment sustainability are Safe Water Network Grant and Water Partners Grant (Przybylowicz, 2014). Another moral responsibility of PepsiCo is recycling programs and other environment policies to ensure environmental sustainability. Continuous improvement in the packaging and reduction of waste is core component of PepsiCo to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

In Depth Review of Homeowner Policy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

In Depth Review of Homeowner Policy - Term Paper Example In Depth Review of Homeowner Policy As a policy holder myself, coverage differs from one policy to another. My homeowner policy covers for several things. It includes the physical property damages. In section 1, coverage A of the policy, it states that it pays for a certain percentage of the structure of the home when physically damaged. Included in this section are the roofing, flooring, light fixtures, appliances, kitchen appliances and washers. The policy also covers for the structures that are part of the main house but are considered extensions like the garage and fences however with a small percentage which is about 10 percent of the cost of the main structure insured. Additional living expenses during the peril of fire or lightning, windstorm or hail and explosions are covered too. This is when the owner seeks for a temporary lodging. It takes 20% reimbursement from the structural coverage of the property. My personal property is also covered but scrutinizing it shows some limitations. Jewelleries when not appra ised and scheduled separately in a policy will not be all covered when stolen. The amount limit to be paid only is $1000 even if the value of the jewelleries is three times the limit. In addition the policy exercises the limit in the China wares, cash, and firearms when stolen. In this connection, it is always best to protect personal properties. According to William (2007) it is advisable not to keep valuables in the bedroom because it is the most part of the house being searched by burglars. What is good in my policy is that it has an extra endorsement to cover for an expensive loss of personal belongings. However, if the insurance company pays the stolen personal properties, it is going to price it with today’s value and not the former price when you purchased that personal belonging before minus the depreciation value. However, to avail of these inclusions, the insurer has to make sure her policy has the broad form or the all peril coverage. Having this type of coverage w ould make the policy holder covered for everything with the exception of those within the exclusion of the policy. Most often, policyholders are tricked with this scheme where they believed there are no exceptions. Insurance companies are very tricky in their business that if there is no review done by the policyholder, he will fall into their trap. An example of this situation is the case of Ward Gen. Ins. Svcs. Inc. vs. Employers Fire Ins. Co. (CBS interactive, 2010) who went into hearing to dispute the payment of her loss regarding her data in the computer. The court found out that the loss was not included in the coverage because it was not a direct physical loss. Physical loss means material existence that is tangible (Viau & Kwasniewski, 2001). To this effect, it is clear that the insurer has also to understand the languages used by the insurance companies. The understanding of the term physical loss in the policy is not in congruent to the definition of the insurance company thus fighting the dispute in court is a disappointment on the policy holder’

Friday, August 23, 2019

Introduction to Languages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Introduction to Languages - Essay Example Loose Ladies My point was is that I feel like want to raise more awareness am in a position where I can’t just pick myself and just go thank God hating hasn’t stopped they need us to help them keep close to them. Phonetic transcription m aÉ ª p É’ É ª Å‹ t w É’ s É ª s ÃŽ ¸ É‘: t aÉ ª f i: l l aÉ ª k e aÉ ª w à ¦ Å‹ t t ÊŠ r eÉ ª s e m É’ É‘: w e É‘: n e s s É‘: m É ª n p É’ s É ª t É ª É’ n weÉ™Ê ³ e É‘: É ª k É‘: n t dÊ’ ÊÅ' s t p É ª k m aÉ ª s e l f É‘: n d dÊ’ ÊÅ' s t g É’. ÃŽ ¸ n k g É’ d h à ¦ t É ª Å‹ g h É‘: s n t s t É’ p p e d ÃŽ ¸ eÉ ª n i: d ÊÅ' s t ÊŠ h e l p ÃŽ ¸ e m k i: p k l É’ s t ÊŠ ÃŽ ¸ e m. Q2.1 A morpheme is a combination of sounds, which can give a specific meaning. There are two types of morphemes free morphemes and bound morphemes. A free morpheme can stand alone and give complete meaning while a bound morpheme cannot give meaning on its own. Examples of free morphemes include cat, dog cow, house, computer and television. An Example of a bound morpheme is in the word dogs (Bauer B 2007). The letter â€Å"s† is a bound morpheme since it cannot give any meaning just on its own, it must accompany another morpheme to make meaning. A house is a place used by man for staying. A dog is an animal kept by man for security purposes. It alerts him when there is danger at night or during the day. A computer is a machine used by man to process and store information. A television is equipment used to give information through audiovisual means from a broadcasting station and a cow is a type of cattle kept by man for providing milk. In language A, Mu means yam while pa means a house. In plural, the words change to pemu and pepa respectively. This means that the prefix pe is used as bound morpheme to give meaning that the items are in plural. Q2.2 Speaking or writing singular words in requires that one must use articles like an, and a, for uncountable noun for countable nouns in English respectively. Language A does not follow this rule. A good example is â€Å"mu tekan peho† meaning â€Å"a yam is burning.† The article â€Å"a† is not necessary in Language A while it must appear before a noun in English. The second arise in the order of tenses. Tekan indicates present action while tekan with a suffix le at the end of the verb indicates an activity that will continue in future. ‘Is’ in English show a present continuous activity while future continuous tense use will be together with ing at the end of the verb. This is clearly indicated by these examples from language A and Englis h. â€Å"pemu tekan pehole† which means â€Å"yams will be burning (Bauer B 2007).† â€Å"Mu tekan peho† which means, â€Å"a yam is burning.† Task 3 The word black in the first sentence means that all employees ought to put on shoes that painted black only. The color of shoes must be black for all people who expect to do such jobs. Pitch black is a phrase, which indicates that when there is no light darkness cover the house. Therefore, in this context, the darkness covers the house when lights go off. One has to express openly his points clearly for others to understand. In some occasions, it might be difficult to identify which group is right. When there is no clarity of points the words black and white indicates the inability to identify whether a point is right or wrong. During funerals, there is rampart sadness in and around the home of the bereaved. All people who come to the funeral sympathize and comfort the bereaved (Bauer B 2007). In this case, the word black means those sad moments related to death. On this day people where black clothes to indicate their sorrowful moments. There are different forms of tea in

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Core Competencies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Core Competencies - Assignment Example This is accompanied by other roles such as promotion of health and ensuring that people are protected from diseases and infections as best as they can through offering of advice during treatment such as advice on sexually transmitted diseases and infections and on reducing obesity among others. Nurse practitioners also carry out counselling with the patients and the relatives and friends of a patient. This may be in preparation of the outcome of results of treatment and especially if the news are devastating. The most common cases are when breaking death news to the relatives and friends or news about terminal diseases. In all of these, a nurse practitioner has to build relationship in order to communicate effectively with the patient. The communication requires cultural competence as patients are culturally diversified and have various cultural beliefs and systems that need to be recognized beforehand and respected. Lastly, a nurse practitioner is supposed to prepare a plan of care for a patient and utilize it using evidence-based practice. The plan of care has to also be explained to both the patient and the relatives for decision making and implementation as well as evaluation (Department of Health and Human Services HRSA, 2002). A nurse administrator is in charge of the administration duties in a health care facility. The administration duties are similar to those of any other manager the only difference being that a nurse administrator is also a nurse and hence understands the medical field better. The most important of the role is the knowledge of the health care environment. This includes knowledge of the health care policies present, the delivery models that can be used, the risks that are anticipated and how to manage them as well as patient safety and case management. The nurse administrator should also exhibit communication and relationship building as one of the roles. This incorporates building and maintaining a working

The Philippine Currency Evolution Essay Example for Free

The Philippine Currency Evolution Essay During the Spanish occupation, when they came here in the Philippines in 1521 they brought with them the first European coin called teston. Also it is the first silver coin. When the Galleon trade exercised the earliest coins during the Spanish colonization was the Macuqinas or the cobs. It has a irregular, oddly-shaped coins stamped with a cross on the other side side and a royal coat of armson the other. These coins circulated over 183 years from 1585 to 1768. During the reign of King Philip the fifth of Spain the first rounded machine struck coins with milted edges appeared. These coins called the Dos Mundos or Columnarias. It is one of the most beautiful coin ever produce. It came the time of the coins ? Barillas ¶, the first copper coins to be minted in thePhilippines and after how many colonizers came to our country currency changes. Coins from other Spanish colonies also reached the Philippines and were counter stamped. Gold coins with the portrait of Queen Isabela were minted in Manila. Silver pesos with the profile of young Alfonso XIII were the last coins minted in Spain. The pesos fuertes, issued by the country’s first bank, the El Banco Espanol Filipino de Isabel II, were the first paper money circulated in the country. 898-1899 Asserting its independence, the Philippine Republic of 1898 under General Emilio Aguinaldo issued its own coins and paper currency backed by the country’s natural resources. One peso and five peso notes printed as Republika Filipina Papel Moneda de Un Peso and Cinco Pesos were freely circulated. 2 centimos de peso copper were also issued in 1899. 1900-19 41 The Americans instituted a monetary system for the Philippine based on gold and pegged the Philippine peso to the American dollar at the ratio of 2:1. The new design series of banknotes issued in 1985 replaced the ABL series. Ten years later, a new set of coins and notes were issued carrying the logo of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. As the repository and custodian of country’s numismatic heritage, the Museo ng Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas collects, studies and preserves coins, paper notes, medals, artifacts and monetary items found in the Philippines during the different historical periods. It features a visual narration of the development of the Philippine economy parallel to the evolution of its currency.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Traffic Congestion Problems In Colombo City

Traffic Congestion Problems In Colombo City It is a much known fact nowadays that the traffic congestion in Colombo has increased to a level that most of the personnel operating in Colombo city limits get disturbed in their day to day activities. Further it has come to the light that the traffic accidents in Colombo city area also have been increased during the recent past to a considerable amount mainly due to this congestion. Out of the overall number of traffic accidents reported within the country the most numbers are reported from Colombo city limits. Number of lives lost due to these accidents cannot be considered in light whilst minor scale accidents reported stands at large. Unreported numbers of minor scale accidents are not known but would be as double as the number of reported. Difficulties faced by the motorists, pedestrians, traffic police officials and generally the public in Colombo area due to this traffic congestion are very high. The day to day life of the general public such as attending their office duties, attending children to schools, attending other domestic affairs are getting disturbed heavily due to the unforeseen delays they are compelled to experience at roads caused by traffic congestion blocking the smooth vehicle movements in Colombo city. This is generally wastage of innumerous number of man-hours of working people, loosing billions of rupees of income to the Gross National Product. It is a known fact that the highest number of vehicles, comparative to the other cities in Sri Lanka, operating in Colombo city. Reason for the same is Colombo is the main city in Sri Lanka to where large number of people travel daily to do their jobs, send most number of children to the large number of leading schools located within the city. Further the Colombo harbour is situated within the Colombo city limits resulting a large number of vehicle movements for transportation of goods. Most number of star class tourists hotels located in a single city is Colombo resulting large number of vehicle movements in between Bandaranayke International Airport, Katunayaka and Colombo. Generally the main commecial city of Sri Lanka is Colombo and as a result of that almost all the personnel living at wherever the country are compelled to come to Colombo for some reason which increase the vehicle congestion in Colombo city limits. 4. When a large number of vehicles are operating within a limited area in Colombo city, it is obvious that the number of traffic accidents could be at a higher rate comparative to the number of accidents happened in other cities in Sri Lanka. But in this context what is important to be researched is the reasons for those large number of accidents. The amount of vehicle operating in Colombo city would not be a good reason for any of the citizen of this country to be met with a traffic accident and to get injured or to be killed. This being the situation time has come to analyze the causes contributing to the increase of traffic congestion in Colombo city and to come up with viable solutions to address this problem which will in turn be beneficial to the future prospects of Colombo city, as well as the country as a whole. CHAPTER 2 METHODOLOGY AIM 5. The aim of this research paper is to analyze the major causes which contributing to the traffic congestion in Colombo city limits and to come up with feasible measures to create a smooth traffic movement in Colombo city limits as an example for the rest of the cities in the country. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 6. Increase of traffic congestion within the Colombo city limits at a drastic rate within a very short period of time has not only resulted the general public operating in the Colombo city to experience unforeseen difficulties at roads but also to be ended up at sometime with fatalities or losses of lives. The continuance in the increase of rate of traffic congestion in Colombo city would become a major burden for the motorists, pedestrians, traffic police officials and all the communities operating in Colombo city and also will bring negative impacts to the development of Colombo as well as the country unless addressed systematically. This research is to identify the major causes which have contributed for the increase of traffic congestion in Colombo city and to recommend feasible measures to reduce the same. THE RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS 7. Unlawful driving habits of the motorists who do not adhere to the traffic regulations is hypnotized as the main cause for the increase of motor traffic congestion in Colombo. SCOPE OF THE STUDY 8. The scope of the study is to confined to the motorists, pedestrians and traffic police officials operating in Colombo city limits to identify their views and attitudes towards the increased rate of traffic accidents in Colombo. The paper also concentrates much on the statistical records of traffic accidents happened in Colombo during the past decade. METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION 9. The collection of data and information for this research will be highly based on the views and the perceptions of the motorists, pedestrians, officials of traffic police department and those who have met with road traffic accidents which will be derived through systematical interviews. A questionnaire will be distributed among 50 personnel composed with 25 drivers including heavy vehicle, light vehicle and three wheeler drivers, 10 pedestrians, 10 personnel met with traffic accidents and 5 traffic police officers. Further this research analysis will be highly based on past statistics available on all traffic accidents in Colombo. THE STRUCTURE OF THE THESIS 10. The thesis is structured as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction. Chapter 2 Methodology. Chapter 3 Increase of vehicle population in Sri Lanka. Chapter 4 Reasons contributing to the traffic congestion in Colombo. Chapter 5 Observations made by the Researcher. Chapter 6 Analysis of data. Chapter 7 Recommendations. Chapter 8 Conclusion. CHAPTER 3 INCRESE OF VEHICLE POPULATION IN SRI LANKA 11. It is a known fact that the vehicle population of Sri Lanka was very minimal before 1980s and wonder whether a word called traffic congestion was heard at that time. However with the influx of the concepts of open economy to the country, the vehicle population was increased but at a moderate rate during 80s and 90s. So that the road network in the country, though not developed much, was sufficient to accommodate the transportation in the country without traffic congestion. But within the last decade the vehicle population of the country was expanded at a drastic rate and almost doubled within a period of eight years. The following statistics at Table 3.1  [1]  gives a clear picture of the vehicle population of the country and the composition of the same. 12. Table 3.2  [2]  shows the rate of increasing of vehicles in the country with the new registrations per year. From year 2002 onwards the new registrations per year exceeds 200,000. In this context what we have to identify is whether the road network has been expanded comparatively to accommodate this number of vehicles. 13. When it comes to Colombo city, it has been revealed that approximately 400,000 vehicles move in and out of Colombo daily basis, which is approximately 15% of the total vehicle population of the country. Though the road network of the main city of the country has been extensively expanded as well, the traffic congestion due to different contributing factors could not have been avoided. It has been come to light that following are the main contributing factors for the traffic congestion in Colombo city and its suburbs. High volume of vehicle movements within the city. Not having a proper traffic plan in the city. Closure of certain roads for security reasons. Bad driving habits of drivers violating traffic rules. Improper parking habits of drivers interrupting smooth vehicle movements due to non availability sufficient parking facilities. Poor traffic controlling duties of traffic police officials. Use of old vehicles not road worthy. Increase of vehicle accidents due to high volume of vehicle movements blocking the smooth vehicle movements. CHAPTER 4 REASONS CONTRIBUTING TO THE TRAFFIC CONGESTION IN COLOMBO 14. Colombo City is the most populated city in Sri Lanka and the living standards of the people living in Colombo is comparatively high resulting a considerable number of people out of those living in Colombo are in possession of a kind of personal vehicles. Further a huge number of people moves in and out of the Colombo city daily basis making the number of vehicles moving in and out on daily basis is very high. As per the statistics available at Traffic Branch of the Police Department, approximately 400,000 vehicles of different categories move in Colombo city daily. 15. Due to this large number of vehicles moving in and out of the Colombo city the average number of accidents reported within the Colombo city is 200 out of which 6 are fatal. It is important to have an idea of the general perception towards the contributing factors for the traffic congestion in Colombo city. GENERAL PUBLIC PERCEPTION 16. Based on the outcome of the ideas obtained from a cross section of drivers and non-drivers operating in Colombo city through a distribution of a questionnaire attached as Annex A, the following factors were revealed out of which some are identified as the contributing factors for the traffic congestion in Colombo city. Chart 4.1 Possession of valid driving license 17. It was revealed through a distribution of questionnaires among 50 personnel driving different types of vehicles in Colombo city area only 80% are with valid driving license whilst others drive different categories of vehicles without driving or riding license as elaborated in Chart 4.1. Chart 4.2 Knowledge on Traffic Rules 18. Percentage of the personnel who are driving vehicles and having an average knowledge on traffic rules and regulations is 60% whilst both the categories of those with very good knowledge and poor stands at 20% each as displayed in Chart 4.2. Chart 4.3 Adherence of Traffic Rules 19. Adherence to traffic rules plays a major role in the context of traffic congestion of any where on the road so do at the Colombo city area and the composition of the same with regard to Colombo city area is as per above Chart 4.3. As per the statistical data received in this regard only 5% of the personnel drive vehicles in Colombo city adhering 100% to the traffic rules and regulations. 70% adhere traffic rules but sometimes violating. 20% adhere traffic rules only when they feel it is required to do so whilst 5% adhere only when traffic police are expected or to be seen on the road. Chart 4.4 Ratio of Drivers met with Accidents whilst driving in Colombo The Chart 4.4 shows how rare we can find a person driving a kind of vehicle but not have met with an accident whist driving in Colombo. 80% of the drivers have met with some kind of traffic accident whilst driving in Colombo. It is important to identify the main reasons behind those accidents and Chart 4.5 elaborates the same. 30% have met with accidents due to the fact that they have not adhering to the traffic rules, at the time of meeting the accident whilst 50% have met with the accidents as a result of the violation of traffic rules by the another party. 15% have met with accident due to the congestion of traffic in Colombo, whilst only 5% due to some other reasons. Chart 4.5 Reasons for the Accidents in Colombo City 21. It is a known fact that use of mobile phones by the drivers whilst driving is one of the major reasons contributing for the traffic accidents so do for the traffic congestion in Colombo city. The research reveals as highlighted at Chart 4.6 that 80% personnel uses mobile phones whilst driving. It was also revealed that 10 % dont uses mobile phones whilst driving and the balance 10% uses mobile phones however after parking the vehicle by side of the road. Chart 4.6 Usage of Mobile Phones Whilst Driving 22. Parking vehicles at unauthorized places by side of the roads increase the traffic congestion in Colombo city very much. Reason for that type of illegal parking varies from person to person and the Chart 4.7 shows the percentage of drivers doing illegal parking whilst Chart 4.8 shows the reason for them to do so. Chart 4.7 Trend of Illegal Vehicle Parking Chart 4.8 Trend of Illegal Vehicle Parking 23. Driving vehicles in accordance to the stipulated speed limits is also a fact required to be adhered to in order to minimize the disturbance to the other vehicles and the commuters as well. The research reveals that, almost all the drivers are operating in Colombo violate the speed limits even in sometimes. Chart 4.9 Adhere to speed limits 24. The general perception of those who are driving a kind of vehicle in Colombo city, towards the reasons for the traffic congestion in Colombo city is emphasized in The Chart 4.10 Though the traffic congestion in Colombo city is a result of combination of different factors, the most contributing factor was identified as the unlawful driving habits of the drivers which stands at 60%. The next main factor which stands at 20% is the huge number of vehicles entering in to Colombo city. Chart 4.10 Reasons for traffic congestion TRAFFIC POLICE OFFICIALS PERCEPTION 25. Traffic Police officials performing traffic duties are one of the main resource personnel from whom an unbiased opinion towards the traffic congestion in Colombo city, could be obtained. A specifically designed questionnaire as at Annex B was distributed among 25 traffic police officials and the outcome of the same is as follows. 26. The very first question was to find whether they see or experience a traffic congestion in Colombo city for which the answer was 100% positive and all the police officials accept the excessive traffic congestion in Colombo. 27. The traffic police officials being the most competent personnel with their observations and experience to list out the factors contributing the traffic congestion in Colombo city were tasked to list out those factors according to the precedence and the outcome is as enumerated at Chart 5.11 Majority of them are in the view of that the bad driving habits of the drivers violating the traffic rules and regulations, come first cause for the present day traffic congestion in Colombo city . Chart 5.11 Reasons for Traffic Congestion as per the precedence 28. The order of precedence explained above at Paragraph 27 was further substantiated based on the factual details of the traffic police officials as shown below at Chart 5.12 The number of personnel getting caught to police net daily for violating traffic rules in Colombo city stands above all the other offenders. Those who are driving vehicles over speeding, though taken as a separate attribute, is again an unlawful driving habit violating the traffic rules. So that the percentage of those who are driving with unlawful driving habits and getting caught to police is 60%. Chart 5.12 Reasons for Traffic Congestion as per the precedence 29. Views of the traffic police officials were expected to find out the most viable solution to the traffic congestion in Colombo city. Though different opinions were found as shown at Chart 5.13, the most viable solutions for which 55% agreed to address this problem was to take stern disciplinary action against those offenders who violate the traffic rules and regulations. Chart 5.13 Reasons for Traffic Congestion as per the precedence CHAPTER 5 OBSERVATIONS MADE BY THE RESEARCHER 30. Further to the facts gathered through the distribution of questionnaires among general public, those who are driving vehicles in Colombo city areas, and the traffic police officials performing duties in Colombo area, the following facts were revealed through visual observations and sporadic interviews of the people hanging around in Colombo area. These were included with bus drivers, three wheel drivers, police officers, pedestrians; personnel using public transport etc. and the following observations were made. a. It was observed that the maximum number of vehicles move in Colombo city area during the following rush hours. 0730 hrs to 0900 hrs During this period the maximum numbers of vehicles moves in Colombo city creating a traffic congestion and the reason is the influx of people to Colombo for employments, businesses,and to attend schools etc 1330 hrs to 1430 hrs This is the time period during when schools are getting closed and a large number of vehicles move in the Colombo city for school services. Due to the fact that a considerable number of leading schools are located in Colombo city itself, the number of light vehicles operating for school services is extremely high resulting the traffic congestion. 1630 hrs to 1830 hrs Soon after the office hours the outward vehicle movements from the Colombo city are very high similar to the morning session creating a traffic congestion. b. The competition of the bus drivers makes havocs in the smooth flow of vehicle movements in Colombo city. Though the buses as well as the other heavy vehicles are to drive in the leftmost lane it is being practiced only for stopping the busses at bus halts to board or alight the passengers. Almost all the bus drivers make their fullest effort to disturb the other buses to make a big catch of passengers which in turn disturb all the vehicles on the roads creating traffic congestions. However not a single bus driver is ready to accept that they are experimenting unlawful driving habits violating the traffic rules. c. Habitual violation of traffic rules by the three wheel drivers are one of the main contributing factors for the traffic congestion in Colombo city. The number of three wheelers in Colombo city is extremely high. Easy maneuverability of three wheelers is being used by most of the drivers to get an extra advantage of reaching their destinations as quickly as possible however violating all the kinds of traffic rules. They do not bother about the difficulties faced by the other motorists and drivers due to their unethical driving patterns ultimately creating unnecessary traffic congestions. d. Parking vehicles by sides of the roads blocking the other free vehicle movement is also a contributing factor for the traffic congestion in Colombo city. Sometimes may be due to the non availability of parking facilities, drivers are used to park the vehicles by side of the roads disturbing the other vehicles. e. Role of the pedestrians too contributes much for the traffic congestion in Colombo city. The extremely poor road discipline of the pedestrians creates unnecessary disturbance to the smooth movement of vehicles. Even at the places where overhead or underground pedestrian crossings are there, most of the pedestrians do not and reluctant to use those facilities but used to cross the road at the shortest way which ends up not only with traffic congestions but also accidents with fatalities. f. Less attention of most of the motorists towards the disturbances for the other vehicles due to the way they are driving also contributes for the traffic congestion in Colombo city. The classic example in this context is the use of mobile phones whilst driving creating unnecessary disturbance for the other vehicles whilst not being aware of it. CHAPTER 6 ANALYSIS OF DATA 31. When the data collected through the systematical interviews, visual observations and distribution of questionnaires were analyzed, it was proven that the following contributory factors have resulted that the traffic congestion in Colombo city and suburbs. High volume of vehicle movements within the city. Not having a proper traffic plan in the city. Closure of certain roads for security reasons. Bad driving habits of drivers violating traffic rules. Improper parking habits of drivers interrupting smooth vehicle movements due to non availability of sufficient parking facilities. Poor traffic controlling duties of traffic police officials. Use of old vehicles not road worthy. Increase of vehicle accidents due to high volume of vehicle movements blocking the smooth vehicle movements. Bad road discipline of pedestrians. 32. The high volume of vehicles of approximately 400,000 are operating in Colombo city daily is undoubtedly is one of the main reasons for the traffic congestion in Colombo city. Number of accidents, as mach as 200 per day consolidates this fact further. But the number of vehicles alone wouldnt have created this much of traffic congestion in Colombo city unless the other contributing factors have popped up as a result of the high volume of the vehicles. All the endeavors have been taken to reduce the effects caused by the other factors such as reducing the violation of traffic rules, unauthorized parking etc. Since those factors play a major role than the volume of the vehicles. 33. As enumerated and hypothesized throughout the research, the unlawful driving habits of majority of the drivers operating in Colombo city are analyzed as the main contributing factor for the traffic congestion in Colombo city. When the number of vehicles are high and certain motorists are in a hurry tend to violate traffic rules and regulations and to reach their destinations as soon as possible ultimately creating traffic jams and blocks at the roads. The competition and the habitually unlawful driving practices of the bus drivers and three wheel drivers contributes this aspect at large. This research hypothesis is further consolidated by the statistical details obtained through the distribution of questionnaire with a percentage of 60% of general public and traffic police officials in the view that the unlawful driving habits of the driver causes traffic congestion in Colombo. 34. Though there are rules and regulations to bring the offenders at the roads before the courts and to be tried, it is not being practice to a satisfactory level. Though the traffic police officials reiterated that the traffic congestion in Colombo city is mainly due to the unlawful driving habits of the drivers, the actions they have taken to address this problem is not visible. The avenues available for the offenders to get themselves free from the traffic violations even after getting caught to traffic police officials are at a large but undisclosed by both parties. CHAPTER 7 RECOMMENDATION 35. Based on the factual details obtained through systematical means and the research analysis, it is evident that the fact of unlawful driving habits of the drivers is to be addressed timely to reduce the traffic congestion in Colombo city and its suburbs at first whilst addressing the rest of the contributing factors gradually. The following actions are recommended to be initiated in this connection. a. Traffic laws, rules and regulations are to be revised and to be incorporated with stern disciplinary action against the violation of traffic rules. b. The traffic police officials as the law enforcing authority should be trained and handled in a more discipline way than as at present to be firm when performing their duties. Internal monitoring systems within the traffic police department are to be established and stern disciplinary action to be taken against those corrupted police officials not carrying out their duties properly. c. A value to be added to the driving license from the time of issuing and it is to be ensured that only the competent and disciplined applicants are issued with driving license. In case of any kind of intentional violation of traffic rule the relevant diving license holder is to be kept under supervision for a standard period of time preferably one year and if found again for intentional violation the driving license is to be terminated. So that, no body will take the risk of getting their driving license terminated. d. Parking facilities in the Colombo district to be expanded and then those who are parking vehicles at unauthorized places to be dealt accordingly. e. Specific rules and regulations for the maintenance of discipline of bus drivers and three wheel drivers are to be brought in to force. f. CCTV monitoring systems to be installed within the Colombo city to trace the drivers violating traffic rules and the police officials not carrying out their duties properly. g. Island wide educational programs to be conducted to bring a behavioral change of the people driving any kind of vehicle in Sri Lanka to be disciplined at the roads and to respect the others. h. Quality of the public transport services are to be increased to motivate the people to use public transport than their private vehicles when coming in to Colombo city which will reduce the influx of light vehicles that contributes much for the traffic congestion in the city. i. Informing motorist about road accidents, traffic congestion and road conditions by traffic radio station which will help motorists to avoid traffic congestion. Helicopters can be use to moniter traffic.  [3]   CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSION 36. It is a known fact that the difficulties faced by the general public, the traffic police officials and the wastage of national resources due to the traffic congestion in Colombo city is utmost and unaccountable. So this is a national issue required to be addressed within the least possible delay without being waiting till the problem get aggravated. As hypothesized the main fact behind the traffic congestion in Colombo city and also in suburbs is the unlawful driving habits of the vehicle users whilst few other factors contribute to increase the problem. As identified and analyzed during the research it is important to address the main factor which is unlawful driving habits of the drivers as the initial step whilst addressing the others thereafter. 37. The outcome of this endeavor to reduce the traffic congestion in Colombo city limits and its suburbs will be an example to address the similar type of traffic congestions in other main cities in Sri Lanka as well. These types of problems cannot be addressed without the support of the general public as well as the officials who are tasked to perform duties in that respect. However with the enforcement of new law and systematical programs to make the driving community more disciplined the traffic congestion of the Colombo would be gradually reduced which will be beneficial for all the people living in this country since this is a problem pertaining to the main business and industrial city of Sri Lanka.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

History of US Federalism

History of US Federalism Khang Le In the US government, we have a system of checks and balances. With this system, the government and the separate branches can counter each other and maintain a balance of powers. It ensures that no branch of government becomes too strong and takes over another branch. In other words, this maintains a balance of powers. They become balanced because they can keep the other branches in check and they all have their own set of powers and responsibilities. The purpose of the checks and balances system is to make sure that democracy is upheld and that decisions made by the government work for everyone in the US. When the US government as we know today was being formed, the founding fathers decided that it would be best to split the government into three entities. The judicial branch is the Supreme Court and they oversee the determination of whether a law or policy is constitutional. By constitutional, I mean that the said policy or law is within the premises of the Constitution. The reason why the Supreme Court must do this is because Thomas Jefferson made it so that the interpretation of the Constitution was loose-ended, meaning that it would be up to the judges to deem it constitutional. If it was not loose-ended, then that would mean the judges would have to adhere strictly to the Constitution and go word for word to interpret that law or policy. The next branch is the executive branch. The executive branch is the president himself. He is the commander-in-chief of the army. During times of war, the president will oversee the manpower of the army. He has the power to appoint new justices, which are the supreme court judges. But he can only do so with the approval of the Senate.ÂÂ   He sometimes drafts new bills so that it can become laws by the next year. He also has the power to veto a bill passed by Congress. Vetoing is the power to overrule a law and deny it from being a law. This however can be overturned by Congress. Congress belongs in the legislative br anch. They are the people that come up with new procedures and laws to be passed. If for some reason the president vetoes their bill the first time, they can overrule it by having a second vote and having over two-thirds of Congress vote in favor of the bill. Sometimes, when there is a stalemate, a tie between votes, the vice president become the tiebreaker. There have been very few occasions where the Vice President had to come in to break a tie. The most recent one being President Trumps Vice President. Now, once a bill has passed and becomes a law, it is then tested by the citizens of the United States. When someone believes that the law is unjust, they are allowed the right to file a lawsuit. The lawyers then make arguments for the case and a judge will preside the hearings. If they lose, they can appeal to higher courts and may eventually reach the Supreme Court. In the case where the legislative branch does not find the ruling of the Supreme Court to be favorable, they can pro pose a new bill and then the process starts all over again. Congress, namely the Senate, also are the ones in charge of approving treaties with other countries. The president may be the face of the country but he doesnt have all the power. The principle behind these branches of government is that with separation of powers, not one part of the democratic government has too much power and they keep each other in check. This kind of checks and balances are applicable to constitutional governments. The media plays a huge role in the political process, especially if there was a misdoing on behalf of the government. With the arrival of social media and a wide variety of ways to attain news, the political process is under more scrutiny than ever. The only problem would be that how much the government censors or covers up. Because of that, sometimes the people become unaware of how laws work or that there could be loopholes in laws. Federalism is the way the United States is being run. Every single one of the states in the US shares a relationship with the national government. Basically, the federal government has a set of laws that need to be abided by. The state governments can enforce the laws to the extent that they believe is correct. For example, in some states, people can enter bars at the age of eighteen whereas in others, you must be twenty-one to do so. This system was created in this way to govern large and diverse nations. Not all areas can be governed the same, which is why federalism helps gives power to the states but the central government can still stay in power because it serves as a starting point for the states to follow. Before the United States became what, it is today, it was a confederation. While it was a confederation, the central government was weak and had almost no power, meaning that it had no way of providing itself with money and no military strength. While the states had all the power, the lacked a unified system and couldnt get their ideas together and could not be cohesive. After federalism kicked in, while the central government could impose laws and taxes onto the states, the states themselves can do what they saw fit and in accordance to the law. A bicameral Congress with the House of Representatives and a Senate also help to distribute the power from the states and central government. Because it is a representative system, the people are closer to the government and it makes for an efficient voting process because there are many opinions and it usually doesnt take too much time to vote. Both the concepts of dual federalism and cooperative federalism have originated in the USA. Dual federalism is referred to as layer cake due to the existence of distinct wall between powers and responsibilities of national governments and that of state governments. Cooperative federalism is referred to as marble cake. Dual federalism has horizontal power structure betw een national and state governments whereas cooperative federalism has a vertical structure between the two. In dual federalism, national government and state governments enjoy sovereignty in their respective fields. No such thing exists in cooperative federalism. Dual federalism is a rigid structure where at cooperative federalism is a flexible structure. Dual federalism promotes competition and tension; cooperative federalism promotes cooperation. The third section I am going to discuss is about the Civil Rights, the two Amendments that I am going to discuss are Amendment IV ( Search And Arrests ), it says The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Basically, the police officer, in order to make a lawful arrest, must have a warrant in order to do so. If he doesnt have a warrant then it will be considered unlawful arrest and search. In order to get a warrant, the police officer must have evidence or probable cause that supports it. The police officer, or whoever has the evidence, must swear that it is true to his or her knowledge. The second Amendment that Im going to discuss is the fifth Amendment. It saysÂÂ   No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger, nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb, nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. As it was in 1791, the Fifth Amendment continues to be very important today. Americans are protected against being tried repeatedly for the same crime. The government cannot bring you to trial again and again for the same offense, hoping to get the result they want. This means that if you are suspected of committing a crime, its up to the state to prove its case against you. You are innocent until proven guilty, and governmental authorities cannot deprive you of your life, your liberty or your property without following strict legal codes of conduct or due process. The Fifth Amendment also protects private property against a government taking. In 2005 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Kelo v. City of New London that local governments could take private property from one person and transfer that property to a corporate entity with the expectation that the property would become more useful to the public. The ruling drew a sharp dissent from Justice Sandra Day OConnor, who warned that it will allow governments to seize any property simply to allow developers to upgrade it. OConnor wrote, Nothing is to prevent the state from replacing any Motel 6 with a Ritz-Carlton, any home with a shopping mall. Since that decision, several local governments have declared their intent to take peoples homes in order to convert them into office complexes, shopping centers and mega-stores. As local governments continue to search f or ways to increase tax revenue, hard-working homeowners must be wary about their homes being taken away. Designating such possessions as necessary for the public use is often a sham, with the desire to increase tax revenues being the real motivation of local governments. Since the Kelodecision, some state legislatures have passed laws which ensure that such possession takings cannot occur. But unless the American public remains educated and focused on preserving this important constitutional right, it, along with their homes, could be taken by the government. The 14th Amendment said All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any pers on within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall b e held illegal and void. And the last one is The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. For the last section, I think a relevant topic of discussion would be president Trumps travel ban. I believe this is relevant because its political process involves heavily on the president and the Supreme Court. The president may have issued a policy that bans travel from seven different countries but the Supreme Court had deemed it unconstitutional and overturned it. This relates to the concept of checks and balances. While the president is going to keep his promise with banning Muslims from entering the country, the Supreme Court is telling him that he is misusing his authority. Many people in the United States are affected by this too. Several families that are refugees are being deported out of the country and back into the dangerous areas. I think this is unjust and selfish of the current president. Simply because a person or a family comes from a certain ethnic group, does not mean that they are automatically connected to the series of terrorisms that have happened in the Unit ed States. While most of the high profile attacks came from Muslims, a lot of terrorist attacks on American soil have been committed by our own countrymen. The news sources that I have read are liberal in their language and are very left-winged. As an immigrant, I also fear for my safety, because if the current president can do as he pleases, then there could be one day where he opens a loophole and I could be his next target. It is a big help knowing that the democratic system still works for the most part. Even though the president may be doing everything in his power to feed his selfish needs, the legislative branch and the judicial branch are there to keep him in check. Bibliography

Monday, August 19, 2019

Fishing and Relaxing at the Lake Essay -- Descriptive Essay, Descriptiv

When people discuss Naples and describe the sights, they usually just mention the beach, Fifth Avenue, and the swamp. To the people who live here and experience the unseen places, there is much more. There is one place I particularly like. That is Horseshoe Lake and it is a lake where some of the greatest fishing experiences occur that include catching large fish and relaxing with a friend. There is an indescribable felling that occurs at Horseshoe Lake. It is a feeling of mild comfort and much needed relaxation mixed with exhilaration. The comfort comes from the light breeze, which quickly comes and goes while you are fishing. It is this breeze that allows your fishing line to float one way or another, thus doing the luring for you. The tall oak trees provide shade that prevents you f... Fishing and Relaxing at the Lake Essay -- Descriptive Essay, Descriptiv When people discuss Naples and describe the sights, they usually just mention the beach, Fifth Avenue, and the swamp. To the people who live here and experience the unseen places, there is much more. There is one place I particularly like. That is Horseshoe Lake and it is a lake where some of the greatest fishing experiences occur that include catching large fish and relaxing with a friend. There is an indescribable felling that occurs at Horseshoe Lake. It is a feeling of mild comfort and much needed relaxation mixed with exhilaration. The comfort comes from the light breeze, which quickly comes and goes while you are fishing. It is this breeze that allows your fishing line to float one way or another, thus doing the luring for you. The tall oak trees provide shade that prevents you f...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Token ring :: essays research papers

Token ring is a local area network protocol which resides at the data link layer (DLL) of the OSI model. It uses a special three-byte frame called a token that travels unidirectionally around a star-wired logical ring. Token ring frames travel completely around the loop. The name 'Token Ring' is misleading since the physical topology is a loop. Each station passes or repeats the special token frame around the ring to its nearest downstream neighbor. This token-passing process is used to arbitrate access to the shared ring media. Stations that have data frames to transmit must first acquire the token before they can transmit them. Token ring LANs normally use differential Manchester encoding of bits on the LAN media. Token ring was invented by Olof SÃ ¶derblom in the late 1960s. It was later licensed to IBM, who popularized the use of token ring LANs in the mid 1980s when it released its IBM token ring architecture based on active multi-station access units (MSAUs or MAUs) and the IBM Structured Cabling System. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers or IEEE ( later standardized a token ring LAN system as IEEE 802.5 ( Token ring LAN speeds of 4Mbps, 16Mbps, 100Mbps and 1Gbps have been standardized by the IEEE 802.5 working group. Token ring networks had significantly superior performance and reliability compared to early shared-media implementations of Ethernet (IEEE 802.3), and were widely adopted as a higher-performance alternative to shared-media Ethernet. However, with the development of switched Ethernet, token ring architectures lagged badly behind Ethernet in both performance and reliability. The higher sales of Ethernet allowed economies of scale which drove down prices further, and added a compelling price advantage to its other advantages over token ring. Token ring networks have since declined in usage and the standards activity has since come to a standstill as switched Ethernet has dominated the LAN/layer 2 networking market. The Token Frame When no station is transmitting a data frame, a special token frame circles the loop. This special token frame is repeated from station to station until arriving at a station that needs to transmit data. When a station needs to transmit a data frame, it converts the token frame into a data frame for transmission. The special token frame consists of three bytes as follows: Starting Delimiter - consists of a special bit pattern denoting the beginning of the frame. The bits from most significant to least significant are J,K,0,J,K,0,0,0. J and K are code violations.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Sales Tools

This is a report to understand the role of personal selling within the overall marketing strategy such as Promotion mix: personal and impersonal communication; objectives of promotional activity, push-pull strategies; integrating sales with other promotional activities; evaluating promotion; allocation of promotion budget and Understanding buyer behaviour: consumer and organisational purchase decision-making. And also this report involved the role of the sales team: definition and role of personal selling; types of selling; characteristics and have link with LEVI’S case study.After reading this report reader could understand to how to apply the principles of the selling process to a product or service such as customer-oriented approach; objective setting; preparation and rehearsal; opening remarks; techniques and personal presentation; need for identification and stimulation; presentation; product demonstration and use of visual aids; handling and pre-empting objections; techn iques and proposals for negotiation; buying signals; closing techniques; post sale follow-up; record keeping; customer relationship marketing (CRM)And also reader could be able to understand the role and objectives of sales management such as, Controlling sales output: purpose and role of the sales budget; performance standards: performance against targets (financial, volume, call-rate, conversion, pioneering); appraisals; self-development plans; customer care.Reader also will have Be able to understand how to plan sales activity for a product or service in ways such sales settings: sales channels (retailers, wholesalers, distributors, agents multi-channel and online retailers); importance of market segmentation: business-to-business (BTB) selling; industrial selling; selling to public authorities; selling for resale; telesales; selling services; pioneering; systems selling; selling to project teams or groups international selling: role of agents and distributors; sources, selection and appointment of agents/distributors; agency contracts; training and motivating agents/distributors; use of expatriate versus local sales personnel; role, duties and characteristics of the export sales team; coping in different cultural environments;the role of ICT in communicating with an international sales team Exhibitions and trade fairs: role, types and locations of trade fairs and exhibitions; how trade fairs and exhibitions fit in with corporate strategy and objectives; setting objectives for participation in an exhibition; audience profile and measurement; qualification and follow-up of exhibition leads; evaluation of exhibition attendance; setting budgets; financial assistance or exhibition attendance etc.. to a certain extend.Table of Content Personal selling, promotion mix, buyer behaviour and the decision making process in different situations ,role of sales teams within marketing strategy Role of sales teams within marketing strategy ow sales strategies are developed in line with corporate objectives Importance of recruitment and selection procedure Role of motivation, remuneration and training in sales management Sales plan for a levi’s male cap Conclusion Bibliography Personal selling, promotion mix, buyer behaviour and the decision making process in different situations ,role of sales teams within marketing strategy Personal selling is a promotional method in which one party (e. g. , salesperson) uses skills and techniques for building personal relationships with another party (e. g. , those involved in a purchase decision) that results in both parties obtaining value.In most cases the â€Å"value† for the salesperson is realized through the financial rewards of the sale while the customer’s â€Å"value† is realized from the benefits obtained by consuming the product. However, getting a customer to purchase a product is not always the objective of personal selling. For instance, selling may be used for the purpose of simply delivering information. Marketers have at their disposal four major methods of promotion. Taken together these comprise the promotion mix. Those four promotion methods are 1. Advertising 2. Sales Promotion 3. Public Relations 4. Personal Selling So, Personal selling comes under promotional mix. That means personal selling is a part of promotional mix.In LEVI’S case also LEVI’S company might definitely use promotional mix and they can improve the promotional mix by improving personal selling that both aspects have a positive relationship. Buyer behaviour consists of activities/process followed in making any buying decision of goods as well as a service. In LEVI’S case buyer behaviour would be 1. Type One: Traditionalist – probably over 45; buys from department stores; buys polyester suits and trousers; shops with his wife. 2. Type Two: Classic Independent – a real ‘clothes horse’; 21% of the market but buys 46% of wool blend suits; shops at independent stores; has expensive tastes. 3. Type Three: Utilitarian – wears jeans for work and leisure; 26% of the market; a Levis loyalist. 4.Type Four: Trendy Casual – buys ‘designer’ high fashion labels; might buy 501’s but usually considers Levi’s too mass market; 19% of the market. 5. Type Five: Price Shopper – buys the lowest price product wherever they may be; no potential for Levi; 14% of the market. There are five types of buyer behaviours and they have different types of decision making in different situation. One thing needs to be highlighted here is that consumer behaviour does not end with purchase of goods or service, but also post purchase activities are included in consumer decision making. The below image shows the different type of buyer behaviour. Role of sales teams within marketing strategy Marketing Strategy is something that helps companies achieves Marketing objectives.Marketing objectives help achieve corporate objectives and corporate objectives aim to achieve a competitive advantage over rival organizations. Firstly, a Managing Director or senior management team, or executive board of directors (who ever is in charge) decides on overall corporate objectives. One corporate objective might be to increase sales by some percentage. In order to achieve this percentage sales team always work towards that. So the role of sales team would be work to corporate objective goals and marketing strategies. LEVI’S case study team have adopted to the marketing strategies and LEVI’S ‘ marketing team responded to this information by deciding to focus on jackets and trousers only for the launch and let suits ‘slipstream’.The Director of Consumer Marketing stated: ‘The thing that is going to overcome Levi’s image for casual only apparel is a suit made by Levi that doesn’t look like anything else we have ever made. Once that gets on the r acks people will put an asterisk on the image that says Oh, they can also make a good suit when they put their mind to it’. So sales responded according to the marketing strategies ‘Soon after this decision, salesmen started contacting retail buyers. After 4 months of selling to the trade it was clear sales targets for the range would not be met.A subsequent price reduction failed to redeem the situation and Tailored Classics achieved only 65% of its sales targets. so role of sales team would be always adopted to mass marketing strategy. ’ ow sales strategies are developed in line with corporate objectives Whenever a person wanted to develop sales strategies he/she should always should develop in line with corporate objectives, so, he/she should keep these below mentioned tips before they make sales strategies. Do you have the time and resources necessary to interact? Can you competitively position yourself to overpower the competitor? Do you have sufficient uniq ue selling points to change the rules and do you have time to accomplish this? Do you have access to the key decision makers to do this? Can you sufficiently quantify your unique selling points to prevent price pressure?Can you neutralize the competitor's strengths? Do you have the capacity to deliver? What would it take to make this a viable opportunity? Importance of recruitment and selection procedure The recruitment is a process of finding and hiring the best-qualified candidate (from within or outside of an organization) for a job opening, in a timely and cost effective manner. The recruitment process includes analysing the requirements of a job, attracting employees to that job, screening and selecting applicants, hiring, and integrating the new employee to the organization. Importance of the recruitment are listed below * Recruitment is the process which links the employers with the employees.Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost. * Help increase the success rat e of selection process by decreasing number of visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants. * Help reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected will leave the organization only after a short period of time. * Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its workforce. Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates. * Increase organization and individual effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job applicantsRole of motivation, remuneration and training in sales management Motivation means Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject, or to make an effort to attain a goal. Motivation results from the interaction of both conscious and unconscious factors such as the * Intensity of desire or need, * Incentive or reward value of the goal, a nd * Expectations of the individual and of his or her peers. These factors are the reasons one has for behaving a certain way. Role of motivation in sales management is motivate sales people towards bringing business to the organization. The most widely recognised method of attracting and retaining marketing employees is through remuneration packages.This is because a good emuneration package can have a positive effect on a person's standard of living. Remuneration refers to money or substitutes for money. This may include wages, salaries, commissions and bonuses, incentive plans and allowances. The total value of all these items is called a remuneration package. Sales plan for a levi’s male cap A sales plan LEVI’S cap is basically should be a strategic and tactical plan for achieving market because of the higher price objectives. It should be a step-by-step and detailed process that will show how you will acquire new business for LEVI’S caps; and how you will g ain more business from the existing customer base.It involves making and/or exceeding our sales quota within our sales territory how to penetrate to international business. Here are the steps to help you develop a sales plan for LEVI’S male caps: 1. Segment the target audience – The first step is to clearly identify the target markets. Who are more likely to buy LEVI’S caps. The more defined the target market, the better. Target market can be defined as high-income men ages 30-60 who loves to buy the latest electronic gadgets. If the target market is done, the next step is to prioritize the target market to ensure that resources are directed towards your key target market. Prospects are more likely to purchase if LEVI’S can talk features of male cap. 2.Cap industry – Current trends in industry, and how the business fares with these trends. LEVI’S must look at the range of similar products now available, and compare how the product stacks up to competitor products. Take a bigger picture of the industry and find out prospects. 3. Develop sales strategies – LEVI’S sales strategies must include determining how LEVI’S can reach the sales quota, how can get more sales from existing customers, and how can raise awareness in the marketplace and community about your business. Your sales strategies also involve making a decision on who is actually going to do the selling. Will you do it skills to do it? how to improve confidence and presentation skill etc†¦ 4. Think through sales plan.This is the meat of the sales plan. LEVI’S need to write down the sales strategies based on the analysis you’ve done of your business and what you can do. Will you attend trade shows or do cold calling? Will they use search engine advertising or other forms of online advertising? How they going to reach exactly to target audience? It is important that LEVI’S break down the sales strategies into quantif iable activities . 5. Measure and improve. A sales plan is not something that LEVI’S create and then hide inside the drawer. Should follow the activities and tasks outlined in sales plan. All the planning in the world is worthless if they cannot or do not implement any of it.Keep track of how they are performing vis-à  -vis sales target.. Conclusion This report have explained the role of personal selling within the overall marketing strategy such as Promotion mix: personal and impersonal communication; objectives of promotional activity, push-pull strategies; integrating sales with other promotional activities; evaluating promotion; allocation of promotion budget and Understanding buyer behaviour: consumer and organisational purchase decision-making. And also this report involved the role of the sales team: definition and role of personal selling; types of selling; characteristics and have link with LEVI’S case study.Report also explained how to plan sales activity fo r LEVI’S male caps in ways such sales settings: sales channels (retailers, wholesalers, distributors, agents multi-channel and online retailers); importance of market segmentation: business-to-business (BTB) selling; industrial selling; selling to public authorities; selling for resale; telesales; selling services; pioneering; systems selling; selling to project teams or groups international selling: role of agents and distributors; sources, selection and appointment of agents/distributors; agency contracts; training and motivating agents/distributors; use of expatriate versus local sales personnel; role, duties and characteristics of the export sales team; coping in different cultural environments; the role of ICT in communicating with an international sales team Exhibitions and trade fairs: role, types and locations of trade fairs and exhibitions; how trade fairs and exhibitions fit in with corporate strategy and objectives; setting objectives for participation in an exhibi tion; audience profile and measurement; qualification and follow-up of exhibition leads; evaluation of exhibition attendance; setting budgets; financial assistance or exhibition attendance etc..